Artist Alberto Lenz and Jóvenes Adelante Taming the Furies of “México”

News Category: News, Announcements, Art News, and Non Profits

  • Published September 17, 2021

    Jóvenes Adelante is pleased to partner again with local renowned
    artist Alberto Lenz, to support the Susi Beere Emergency Fund
    during the COVID-19 crisis.

    The drawings are brilliantly colored with furiously colliding yet harmonizing archetypal patterns, some ancient and some modern, evoking for me furious history becoming the baffling present, and raising questions that all individuals, people, and great nations must repeatedly ask in order to evolve and continue to develop.

    Their creator, artist Alberto Lenz describes his new series of drawings “MEXICO” as expressing his vision of the country in these troubled years marked by a great crisis in three fundamental aspects: economy, health, and security. This creates a scenario in which many aspects of national life are questioned and in which it is not yet clear whether the country will move towards a better future or go back in history.

    “My work explores the use of logic-based systems in the process of design and creation. These systems may be derived from mathematics, geometry or game theory. In terms of form and artistic language, I have two main sources of inspiration: pre- Columbian art—mainly Mayan architecture and sculpture—and Western constructivist and reductive art. Thus, my work is a blending of antiquity and modernity. My work includes sculpture, painting and jewelry design, all linked with geometric art and constructivism.”

    About the Susi Beere Emergency Fund:

    Many of our current and incoming students will find themselves at the mercy of how well their institutions of higher learning adapt to the current reality, and how their families are impacted.

    It is Jóvenes Adelante’s intent to use all resources we can afford to support our students…whether via our normal support, or special funds from both the Susi Beere Emergency and the Betse Davies Special Stars Funds.

    Artist Alberto Lenz has generously offered to donate 50% of the sale of each piece to the Susi Beere Fund of JA.

    View the Gallery

    Jóvenes Adelante  provides scholarships and other essential support to young Mexican university students facing economic adversity so that they may acquire the academic and life skills necessary to foster positive social and economic change in their society. Since 2001 Jóvenes Adelante has helped nearly 200 students obtain university degrees. Our standards are high. Through a rigorous screening process – including two interviews, one with the applicant’s family – the brightest and most financially challenged students are identified and assessed. Successful applicants are funded for the entirety of their university studies (four or five years).

    Financial Support – Each student receives $126,800 pesos over five years of university.

    Mentoring – Our mentors help their students throughout their university studies. They often develop strong and enduring relationships. Mentors, both Mexican nationals and expatriates serve as combination coach, cheerleader, sounding board and advisor who may also help the student obtain needed services.

    Tutoring – Our volunteers actively provide English coaching.

    Like-skills workshops – These workshops cover topics ranging from resume writing and interviewing to nutrition and financial management. They help students develop skills critical to both personal and professional success.

    Counseling  –  Our team of professionals meet individually with students who are facing life challenges such as family crises, financial difficulties, and academic issues. The counselors enable students to overcome these challenges and successfully complete their academic programs.

    Computers – We work with partner organizations to assure that every student has a modern laptop computer.