Johnnie Boswell Fine Art Classes

Place Category: Arts, Galleries and Studios, Art Galleries-Studios, and Art WorkshopsPlace Tags: classes, ink, and workshops

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  • About the Artist:

    As a child of a professional artist, I have been exposed to art all my life. I began painting in oils at the age of 7 or 8 years old. Then, move into Acrylic, Ink, Pigment powders, and Encaustics. I studied with professional artists in Texas, North Carolina, Florida, Colorado, and Mexico. My joy in art now is teaching other techniques I have learned over the years. While mostly abstract, pours usually suggest forms of nature or landscapes. I paint feelings that become my abstracts. Rarely do I begin painting with a clearly imagine of the final piece. The spontaneous movement of paint over a blank surface always amazes me. I’m inspired by the beauty around me in Mexico.   Whether utilizing acrylic, inks, enamels, metallic powers, wood, paper, or Plexiglas, my work captures energy, movement, and fluidity. My artwork is simply an extension of who I am. I use a mixture of textures, colors, and mediums to create my artwork.

    Portfolio of Works


    On-going Art Workshops are back!

    Art Classes for 2025

    Classes are booked around your convenience and availability.

    Maximum of 4 students per class.

    All levels are welcome.

    Deposit non-refundable USD 50.00 (or peso equivalent). cash, Paypal, or Zelle are required for registrations.

    Register by phone or email:

    (From the US) 52 415 566 0095 Mexican cell phone.

    Whatsapp:415 566 0095

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    Johnnie Boswell

    +52 415 566 0095 Mexico
    +1 281 978 3751  US