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Jóvenes Adelante A.C.
Place Category: Non-Profit Orgainzations
Lack of funds is the biggest barrier to entry to university education in Mexico. Our scholarships open the door. Our program makes the difference.
Jóvenes Adelante provides scholarships and other essential support to young Mexican university students facing economic adversity so that they may acquire the academic and success skills necessary to foster positive social and economic change in their society:
- 5 year financial commitment – Each student receives over $1,500 USD per year over the course of their entire university career to be used toward payment of school fees and/or tuition, books, rent, transportation, etc.
- Laptops – Every student is given a new laptop computer loaded with software specific to that student’s area of study.
- Mentors – Mentors are our most important means of non financial support. Meeting students monthly throughout their university studies, mentors serve as combination coach, cheerleader, sounding board and advisor. Mentors link the student to the JA office, ensuring that JA staff are up-to-date with the student’s progress and able to coordinate responses to the student’s emerging needs. Both Mexican nationals and expatriates, mentors often develop strong and enduring relationships that are deeply rewarding for both mentor and mentee.
- Success Skills – Personal and professional success requires more than academic success. JA requires a host of adjunct skill building workshops, from self-esteem development and presentation skills to resumé writing and interviewing, from nutrition and financial management to leadership and non-verbal communication.
- Counselors – The transition to university life is a huge leap for our students, many of whom have not been outside their home communities before. The overall culture shock of changing family dynamics and living independently, financial pressures and responsibility, academic expectations, or unexpected crises are part of the process of adjustment to adulthood. JA counselors provide professional guidance for students to meet these challenges and grow as young adults, as well as successfully completing their academic programs.
- English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Tutoring Program – JA continues to develop its volunteer tutoring program for students upon request, at whatever level the student needs, capacity permitting. The level of English required for professional or university success varies greatly, but over the years JA has confirmed that some level of English proficiency serves as a differentiator as students enter the work force, and in some cases is a requirement of professional credentialing and hiring.
- Grad Network – Our graduates stay connected with each other and with JA’s family. Graduates return as volunteers, success stories, and mentors. JA maintains a two way communication with students and graduates regarding job opportunities and other offerings.
- Professional Credentials – In Mexico, new graduates need to go through a Título and Certificación Profesional/Cédula process that grants them professional licensure. As this is costly and time-consuming, we provide assistance to most students after graduation.
When the entire package of university support is put together, JA leads the way in restoring and bringing educational equity to local San Miguel region students. These students with high vision but low resources are making the great socio-economic leap forward via higher education. That is the meaning of Jóvenes Adelante! The graduation rates tell the story: financial support is not enough to reach parity with more socio-economically advantaged students, but JA’s comprehensive program helps parity become a reality.
Since 2001 Jóvenes Adelante has helped +255 students obtain university degrees.