Find 5 of Mexico’s best outdoor experiences in 1 of its biggest cities
News Category: News and Travel
Published January 21, 2023
by John Pint
The city of Monterrey, one of Mexico’s largest, is nestled in the foothills of the Sierra Madre Oriental mountain range, surrounded by soaring peaks, knife-blade ridges and countless hiking trails. It’s no misnomer that the city’s name means “King of the Mountains” in Spanish.
As for the “king” of Monterrey’s hiking clubs, I’d say that honor goes to an organization known as the La Comunidad Bakpak, which sprang into existence, along with the first publication of Bakpak Revista de Aventura (Bakpak Magazine), in 2005.
I asked the leader of Bakpak Community, Alejandro González, to describe five great hiking destinations that people could reach from his hometown.
“I’ll do better than that,” he replied with a smile. “I’ll tell you about five excellent hikes you can do without leaving Monterrey’s city limits.”
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