April: Autism Month

News Category: News and Non Profits

  • Published April 7, 2023

    By Maria Ruiz

    The United Nations Assembly declared April 2 as World Autism Awareness Day. This was to make people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) visible and help promote the effective exercise of their rights.

    Autism is a neurological condition that affects people’s socialization, communication, and behavior. It is a spectrum, since there are different degrees of autism, and there are no two people with the same type of autism, which makes therapeutic treatment individualized.

    A study revealed that in Mexico there could be 400,000 children and adolescents affected by autism. It is estimated that one in 80 children is on the autism spectrum. Early diagnosis is essential for therapy to give better results. While in the United States and Canada children are diagnosed between six and 12 months, in Mexico it happens between three or four years. This is concerning because late diagnosis delays access to services and therapies and affects the child’s development and ability to be self-sufficient.

    In San Miguel de Allende we have an association dedicated to the diagnosis and therapy of children with autism. Children with Autism in San Miguel de Allende, A.C. serves children, adolescents, and adults from San Miguel and surrounding communities, most of whom do not have the necessary resources to receive therapy. Currently they serve 30 people, but around 500 people who could be on the autism spectrum have been identified, which means they need our support to continue helping.

    If you are interested in supporting this association financially, you can go to their therapy center located at Paloma 16, Residencial La Luz, or call 415 688 1755. You can also write an email to autismosma7@gmail.com or visit their Web page at ninosconautismosma.org. Do not hesitate to contact them if you know someone who could fall into this spectrum and who needs some evaluation.