Popular Festival in Our Context: Around the Commemoration of the Day of the Dead

  • grave

News Category: News and Community News

  • Published October 29, 2022

    By José Arturo Morales Tirado

    Perhaps two of the most ancient rituals of human beings on the entire planet are: First, in the most primitive, profound sense, meetings around the hearth that commemorate the connection between ourselves and the spirit and contain memory, admiration, and exaltation of the living and the dead. And secondly, the rituals, myths, and subsequent worship of the dead and death. Both are linked to our natural environment at the origin of civilization and have evolved over thousands of years in our cultural environments.

    Even though there are no absolute truths in science, the following hypotheses are still worth considering. Although it may be cliché, it’s worth restating that when working in science and generating knowledge, there are no absolute or completed or determining truths. With that in mind, consider that humans are the single species, homo sapiens, but with widely varying phenotypes. That is, human beings all appear different based on how our environment influences our genotype (genetic makeup).

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