Cuna Tierra Vineyards, in Dolores Hidalgo; Ricardo and Juan a story of work and persistence

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News Category: News, Community News, and Food and Drink

  • Published March 1st, 2022

    Paco, who is in charge of the ranch, tells us that for decades many ranches in the northwestern part of the state produced significant quantities of grapes, all of which were destined for the production of brandy in Aguascalientes. But when the eighties came, the consumption of rum became fashionable, this trend directly affected the brandy industry and therefore the grape producers of Guanajuato. By the 1990s, producers in the area dismantled entire vineyards to return to traditional crops.

    Ricardo Vega, an owner of the ranch, very persistent in an idea, decides to continue growing grapes to produce better grapes with the vision of one day creating his own wine. At the same time, his neighbor (also from a grape-producing family), Juan Manchón Jr., is going to study enology in Valencia. On his return, the neighbors get together to create the Vega-Manchón brand.

    Around 2005, they put their first wine, still without a label, into a contest, and this came in 5th place, then they discovered that they had potential. In those times, Paco continues, the people from Palacio de Hierro came here and proposed to make a wine that would celebrate the bicentennial of independence, and what better place to do it than in Dolores Hidalgo, Guanajuato, the Cradle of Independence. This is how the name «Cuna de Tierra» came about. From there, the brand began as such and since 2013 they introduced wine to the world of competitions that are supported by the International Wine Organization. Since then they have won more than 60 medals.

    Another stroke of luck for the region

    Why is it possible to make a good wine at the 21st parallel when the parallel for good wine is supposed to be between 30th and 50th?

    Paco explains: There are several factors that have more to do with microclimates than with parallel ones and that influence this area to be ideal for making good wine:

    1. Sandy soil that allows the rain to filter well, the roots do not rot, it is a soil that drains very well.
    2. Altitude: almost 2000 m above sea level and at this altitude ultraviolet radiation is high, so the grape is protected and develops thick skin.
    3. Here there is a semi-desert and it produces better polyphenols, especially those that give the grape’s acidity.
    4. We are surrounded by mountains. The Foehn effect helps keep the weather from being so extreme. We are in a valley; the wind crosses the mountains not being in Valle helps. The best land is the Dolores corridor, San Luis de la Paz, San Miguel de Allende.

    To finish, Paco tells us: «And since man does not live by luck alone, at Cuna de Tierra we want to achieve the best possible wine, so we are focused on doing things very well.» We do not pay per day or per kilo. We train our people to have experts, they only harvest selectively and by hand.

    Cuna de Tierra is recognized by all as the vineyard that set the tone for Guanajuato to return to the cultivation of vines, now destined for the production of quality wines. We owe a lot to Ricardo and Juan for their vision, but above all for their persistence. and effort to fulfill what seemed like a crazy dream.

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