Preserving the traditions and promoting the culture of all corners of Guanajuato
News Category: News, Announcements, Community News, General Discussion, and People of SMA
The State Institute of Culture of Guanajuato, with the objective of identifying and recognizing the cultural identity practices of its communities and to preserve the living heritage that allows making visible the knowledge they keep, launches the call to reward those who with effort preserve their traditions and the heritage of their ancestors.
The registration period will be from the publication of this call until October 29, 2021, at 18:00 hours.
To the population, communities, localities of all municipalities of the State of Guanajuato to register women and men bearers of intangible cultural heritage for their contribution and community commitment to maintain cultural practices and expressions in force in their communities, being a reference of identity and significant values for their culture and given the need to strengthen these expressions among the new generations, to receive recognition for their work as LIVING HUMAN TREASURES 2021 in accordance with the following:
HERE ?? Download the call in PDF.– FIRST: Living Human Treasures (THV) are considered to be those people who are promoters and guardians of elements of the cultural heritage of their State, recognized in their communities.
– SECOND: Groups, collectives, mayordomías, cofradías, councils of elders, members respected by their community, civil society organizations or organized communities that identify and nominate people they consider to be THVs of their region, who are at least 65 years old and of Mexican nationality, may apply for THV candidacy.
– THIRD: Their trajectory must be recognized by their community, so the nomination for recognition must arise from the agreement and consensus of the members of the community where the proposal originates.
– FOURTH. Not to have received this distinction or its equivalent before.
– FIFTH. The Instituto Estatal de la Cultura de Guanajuato through the Programa Apoyos a la Cultura in its AIEC aspect will grant 3 awards consisting in the delivery of a unique stimulus for each of the THV. The winners of this recognition will carry out a project that could be integrated by workshops, talks, meetings, among others, in which they will share the knowledge and the activity of the THV to the younger generations of their community environment.
– SIXTH. The selected THV will receive one-time economic support of $60,000.00 (sixty thousand pesos 00/100 m.n.) in recognition of its important contribution as the bearer of the intangible cultural heritage of its community.
– SEVENTH. For the realization of the transmission project, it will receive the amount of $37,000.00 (thirty-seven thousand pesos 00/100 m.n.) for its execution, having as responsible for the application of the resources the representative designated by the group or community that applies to the THV and all the necessary elements for the realization of the same must be considered in the same. A proposal for a knowledge transmission project must be submitted. They will have to consider the conclusion of their projects before December 10, 2021.
– EIGHTH: As part of the knowledge dissemination project, a record of the transmission process must be included through a product (reports, audiovisual record of all the activities that make up the project and products) and 3 copies of the final product must be delivered to the convening bodies.
The selected THV transmission projects and files will be part of the collection defined by the IEC and the “Alberto Beltrán” Documentary Information Center of the Ministry of Culture of the Government of Mexico.– NINTH: The call will have the amount of $182,000.00 to be awarded among all the participants who have fully complied with the provisions of the call and who were not awarded the recognition. The jury will be in charge of selecting the participants who will receive the economic incentive.
– TENTH. Registration:
– The group of people or community that nominates a THV will have to present a dossier made up of:
– A cover page of the file that includes the following information: full name, age, place of birth and residence of the THV, a field of intangible cultural heritage, the contact information of the applicant and of the THV (e-mail, landline, and cell phone numbers with area code and address), and
– A letter of motivation justifying the application.
– Curriculum and biography of the applicant as THV.
– History of the expression showing his/her trajectory and contribution as a bearer of intangible cultural heritage in any of its fields (music, dance, oral traditions, rituals, traditional medicine, traditional cuisine, artisan techniques, nature readers, etc.).
– Documentary evidence (photographs, journalistic notes, acknowledgments, certificates, letters of endorsement from authorities, and any other material that is important to include).
– Birth certificate, CURP, official ID, or any other document that proves your identity.
– Proof of address of the THV.
– Free letter of acceptance of the THV to be nominated and commit to transmitting their knowledge and skills to the new generations of their locality.
– Letter drafted and signed by the group applying for a THV in which the THV’s representative for the management and procedures of this call is established.
– Letter of assignment of rights of the material.
– Proposal for a Knowledge Dissemination Project.
Applications must be delivered in person or sent by courier or mail to the Centro de las Artes de Guanajuato, Avenida Revolución 204, Col. Centro, C.P. 36700, Salamanca, Guanajuato.
Or send it digitally by e-mail to
The registration period will be from the publication of this Call for Proposals until October 29, 2021, at 18:00 hours.– ELEVENTH. Selection Process
– The applications for recognition will be evaluated by a qualifying jury appointed for this purpose with experience in the field of intangible cultural heritage considering the following criteria:
– Its value as a living testimony of human heritage.
– Its roots are in the cultural and social traditions of the State.
– Its the representative character of a community or a determined group.
– That its knowledge is at risk of disappearing.
– Its role as a transmitter of knowledge to new generations in the trade and tradition.
– Living in areas of priority attention.
The jury will be in charge of choosing the Living Human Treasures. It will have the power to declare the awards void and its decision will be final.
The results will be published on the website: no later than November 12, 2021.
The incentive will not be transferable to any family member.
The date and place of the award ceremony will be established by the convening institutions.
Cases not foreseen in this call will be analyzed and resolved by the organizing body.
Participation in this call for entries implies knowledge and acceptance of the terms and conditions.
For further information, please contact
Centro de las Artes de Guanajuato, Ex Convento de Fray Juan de Sahagún,
Revolución 204, esq. Vasco de Quiroga, Salamanca, Gto.
Tel. 464 64 16612 and 16613 Ext. 107.
Fátima Aguilar Mata /
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