The 10th Golf Tournament in support of CRISMA

News Category: News, Community News, General Discussion, and Non Profits

  • Published May 18th, 2022

    The Centro de Rehabilitación Integral de San Miguel de Allende (CRISMA) through the foundation ‘Vamos México’, will hold the 10th Golf Tournament to support children with motor and/or intellectual disabilities to continue with their therapies.

    Marta Sahagún, President of the ‘Vamos México’ foundation said that they work under three aspects: health, education, and community human development and this tournament contributes to the health area because with the proceeds they will support about 500 people with different abilities.

    “These players come together to fill the field with joy, to be able to spend an unforgettable day, to socialize with their friends, to be able to eat delicious food, but above all that which gives great joy to the soul: to serve, to serve because through this donation, these children, these patients will be able to continue with their therapies in this rehabilitation center”.

    In this tenth tournament 126, golf players will participate and it is expected to raise one million pesos, which will allow CRISMA to make improvements in order to offer more complete therapies that will benefit more people living in vulnerable situations.

    “What we want to do with this tournament is that there is an area that we already have, but we have to modernize it, it is the sensory light area, it helps a lot to awaken the senses, the neurons so that children react to different stimuli.”

    This tournament will be held this Friday, May 20 in San Miguel de Allende at the Las Ventanas Club, where Vicente Fox, President of the Fox Center, and Marta Sahagún, President of the Vamos México Foundation, and professional golfer Paola Pavón will be present.