San Antonio de Padua is celebrated in San Miguel de Allende with a representative “Los Locos” parade.

News Category: News and Community News

  • Published June 14, 2021

    This year, Dia de los Locos was a stealth parade. A lot of “in-the-know” people assured everyone else that the parade was canceled. Some people got the right dope because when I reached the Ancha, families had staked out open curbs to watch … a parade!

    Published June 14th, 2021

    With a representative parade, “Los Locos” celebrate San Antonio de Padua on his day. There were just over 500 mojigangas, which were distributed to represent the Cuadros del Tecolote, Antiguo, del Parque and Cuadro Nuevo. The convite made its traditional unannounced tour starting at 8 a.m., leaving the temple of San Antonio de Padua and crossing the main streets of San Miguel de Allende.

    This 2021 and for the second consecutive year the massive and famous convite de locos was canceled; however, in order not to leave aside the tradition and continue preserving the festivity, a representation of that event in which more than 20 thousand people congregate was authorized.

    Although it had already been announced that the “convite de locos” would begin at noon this Sunday, the time was changed in order to avoid crowds, maintaining the prevention measures against COVID-19, even so, dozens of spectators were present throughout the route of this colorful and fun parade.

    Sanmiguelenses and tourists were able to enjoy this special parade that lasted approximately an hour and a half, with the participation of the popular “cuadros de locos”: Cuadro del Tecolote, Cuadro Antiguo, Cuadro del Parque and Cuadro Nuevo. They were guarded at all times by Civil Protection.

    This year children and adults who offered their devotion to San Antonio de Padua, danced dressed as clowns, devils, harlequins, superheroes, pirates, characters from famous movies and there were even some who dressed as the elderly lady, who became famous a few days ago in social networks to celebrate the victory of Cruz Azul, new champion of Mexican soccer.

    However, it should be noted that within the activities of this special program in the afternoon-evening of this Sunday there will also be a pyro-musical in the esplanade of the Parish of San Antonio after the evening Eucharistic celebration; so San Miguel families are invited to enjoy it from their rooftops and terraces.