Pets are blessed in the Oratory temple

News Category: News and Community News

  • Published January 21st, 2023

    The traditional blessing of pets took place in the temple of the Oratorio and the parish of San Antonio in San Miguel de Allende.

    The atrium of the Templo del Oratorio and the parish of San Antonio were the place where the faithful believers gathered and brought their pets to be blessed by the church fathers.

    The day on which the patron saint of animals, Saint Anthony Abbot, is celebrated is 17 January, recognized by the Catholic Church with two stories, one related to the death of Saint Paul and the involvement of two lions and the other related to the birth of baby javelinas.

    The aim of this day is to remember the respect that should be shown to animals, to treat them with dignity, and to thank those who have served human consumption.

    For this reason, as they do every year, the priests of Orator and the parish priest of San Antonio held the celebration and went out to bless the pets of the faithful.

    The parish priest of San Antonio commented: “this day we will pray to our Father for the little animals that share their lives with us, they share our pains, they also feel and we want them to be happy wherever they are, as they are part of the joy of our hearts”.

    After the sermon, the priest blessed the animals such as dogs, cats, and birds that were brought by their owners to the entrance of the church and the parish.