Everything is ready for the ‘Ruta de la Independencia’ race in San Miguel de Allende

News Category: News, Announcements, and Community News

  • Published September 8th, 2021

    The fifth edition of the Ruta de la Independencia athletic race will be held next Friday September 17, organized by the Universidad Tecnológica de San Miguel de Allende along with 7 other universities of the same subsystem.

    Within the framework of the XXX Anniversary of ANUT (National Association of Technological Universities) and the 11th anniversary of the Technological University of San Miguel de Allende, this race was presented, which will have 3 contingents: Queretaro-Buena Vista; Buena Vista-San Miguel de Allende, and San Miguel de Allende-Dolores Hidalgo. In each of the contingents, 3 students will represent their institution.

    The starting flag will be at 8:00 am, at Plaza de Armas in the city of Querétaro by the rector of UTEQ, José Carlos Arredondo Velázquez. Afterwards, the rectors of UNAQ, UT San Juan del Río, UTEQ, UTSMA, UTS, UTLB, UTNG, UTL and UTSOE will run with the libertarian fire from the Casa de la Corregidora, Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez to the Ignacio Pérez Monument.

    While the student contingents will carry the libertarian fire to the city of San Miguel de Allende, covering a total of 64 kilometers.