Bazar México Lindo, a place to visit San Miguel de Allende [Gallery].
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A place visited by locals, national and international tourists, and even celebrities that you cannot miss if you are in the Heritage City of San Miguel de Allende is undoubtedly the “Bazar México Lindo”, located on the San Miguel de Allende to Dolores Hidalgo highway, where you will find from antiques to creations of unique pieces by local artisans.
This place belongs to Alfredo Meléndez, originally from San Luis Potosí, who inherited his father’s taste for antiques, since when he was born his father was already collecting art, sculpture, and antiques, among other things.
He learned to recognize that what for many is garbage for others is art, combining objects and creating things of utility or decorating spaces for the public that visits them.
In the place, there are carpenters, painters, sculptors, and blacksmiths and all of them create wonderful works of art to sell in the place, besides having a gallery or museum that you can visit.
Rolando Aguilar commented that the owner of everything is Alfredo Meléndez, “but he has always been very kind and gives his support to those of us who work here for him, he also gives us permission to bring our own art and sell it directly to the clients, also here we help him to give them a tour of the place, to clean it and create more things that we can”.
Alfredo also supports collectors who go to junkyards, farms, or factories that no longer occupy parts or things, and here they bring them and so you will find antique vehicles, motorcycles, film reels, a camera, or projector for the same reels, textile machines, among other things.
You can find coffee tables, canteens, benches, and a thousand things that can help decorate your home, also if you locate one of the renowned hotels in San Miguel called Aqua, they were suppliers of many pieces of art that they have there, Rolando commented.
“This place is visited by many foreigners and national tourists who go from San Miguel to Dolores or vice versa, the pieces go to their ranches or homes, there are also pieces that have gone to Europe or Asia; but it has also been visited by several celebrities who have bought pieces for their homes such as Damian Alcazar and Juan Gabriel”, among others, commented Rolando Aguilar.
The place is an art museum and created with all the recycled material you can imagine, they have a warehouse where they keep the old doors, but even the roof is built with such doors and even have old trunks, which can sell it that way or transform it into something different that is to your liking.
There are giant roots that have a figure and they highlight it, such as faces, birds, among others, they make tables of wood or ironwork or mixed; there are carts, trucks, also painters manage to make paintings on these old objects giving them another type of finish and leaving them ready to decorate a place.
If you are interested in this type of place, the best thing is that they have three branches on the same highway, the one at the junction to Atotonilco, another one further on in Galvanes, and one more in Tequisquiapan, on the Dolores Hidalgo side. Their cost is voluntary for the tour of the museum or gallery, the prices of the pieces are accessible to the public and you can follow them on their Instagram as bazarmexicolindo45.
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