**HELD OVER** “Bikers in Camelot” || San Miguel Playhouse

  • Bikers_Held_Over_Poster2

Event Category: Theatrical EventsEvent Tags: actor, community, plays, and San Miguel Theater Company

    “Bikers in Camelot”

    February 20 to March 3

    San Miguel Playhouse

    Online Tickets

    Read the article . . . .

    www.boletocity.com or at Boleto City at Mercado Sano, Ancha de San Antonio 123, 2nd floor (cash only)

    Bikers in Camelot is a four character musical romp, a classic fable . . . with a twist. When Michael, who writes biographies of Victorian women, proposes to Holly, who writes chivalrous sci-fi fantasy, but is suffering from writer’s block, all hell breaks loose. In the throes of a nasty fight, they inadvertently materialize the characters they have written – with whom they have unconsciously been in love all along. What ensues is a crazy – and enlightening night, in which they learn the old adage, “be careful what you wish for.” Of course they rediscover each other . . . but their dream lovers aren’t going anywhere.


    For those of you who would like to help fund the show *at any level* of giving, go to our Indiegogo Campaign for Bikers in Camelot:


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  • 12 Reviews on “**HELD OVER** “Bikers in Camelot” || San Miguel Playhouse”

    1. Natalie **HELD OVER** "Bikers in Camelot" || San Miguel Playhouse
      Overall Rating:
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      I agree this was the most professional production I have seen in SMA. While the actors were well matched, they all gave a younger air of expressión and that was refreshing. They are professional on a different level than the average production here.

      Wendy Bichel deserves a lot of credit for keeping songs crisp, memorable and with a tag line that leaves an impression. The contrasting characteristics that each actor embodied made for a nice balance of ready humor, and the opposition of personalities that give meaning to a relationship, and strengthen or weaken it according to the abilities of the individuals involved. I think this premier is a swell launching pad for the “More”.

    2. Heather Hanley **HELD OVER** "Bikers in Camelot" || San Miguel Playhouse
      Overall Rating:
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      I imagine there are a few seats available for the projected run of the wonderful Bikers in Camelot, and we are all hoping that the run will be extended past March 3 by popular demand.
      I went to the Sunday matinee. The lyrics and music were fresh, witty and catchy, the voices magnificent, the energy level astounding (and how they did all that on the small stage, I don’t know) and the choreography truly inspired. We saw a higher level of professionalism than I can remember since The 39 Steps, also directed by Ken Albanese. The physical comedy was laugh-out-loud funny and at the end, the audience came to its feet in a standing ovation. Kudos to Wendy Bichel for a thoroughly delightful and charming creation.

      Do go if you can buy a ticket.

    3. Judith Jenya **HELD OVER** "Bikers in Camelot" || San Miguel Playhouse
      Overall Rating:
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      I totally agree, Bikers in Camelot, is not to be missed. I understand that
      there will be 3 additional performances as each evening is a sellout crowd
      who love this musical, as I do.
      Don’t miss this one!

    4. Carrie **HELD OVER** "Bikers in Camelot" || San Miguel Playhouse
      Overall Rating:
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      I totally agree with this previous post. I saw the performance Feb 21st, and could not believe the quality of the actors and their professional voices. The four actors are beyond incredible of course…professionals are the best. So many seats are sold out, I got the last one for G1 on Feb 21st… still great views and sound in Section A in that last seat.

      As a child whose parents dragged me to syrupy musicals I had no desire to see one at this stage of my life, but I knew Wendy Bichel could do something spectacular and she has.
      I so hope I can go one more time, and that means I hope hope hope its March deadline is extended.

      Give yourself or yourselves a present. Go.

    5. Anne Campbell **HELD OVER** "Bikers in Camelot" || San Miguel Playhouse
      Overall Rating:
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      I brought a group of ten people to see Bikers from New York City and Portland and from 32 years to folks in their sixties and we ALL simply LOVED the show! To launch such a musical anywhere is an act of love and devotion which Wendy Bichel has in spades as does Ken her husband! Congratulations to all involved in this hit musical which i am sure is just starting its road trip in SMA and will be headed north to Broadway in the near future!

      Congratulations to its superb director Ken Albanese and his dynamite cast! Congratulations to the musicians for the music which sends chills as the voices soar! Congratulations to the singers who carry us away to other places! Congratulations to all who made the set come alive! And –congratulations to the writer composer Wendy Bichel for manifesting this wonderful theatrical production in the first place!

      Get on your bikes and high tale it to the San Miguel PLayhouse for the ride of a lifetime!!!

    6. Chipper Roth **HELD OVER** "Bikers in Camelot" || San Miguel Playhouse
      Overall Rating:

      The sign of a successful musical is that afterwards you can’t get the songs out of your head. Bikers in Camelot is delightful, rich, entertaining, and ultimately emotionally satisfying.

      If you’ve ever yearned for your Secret Lover, your Knight in White Armour, your Anima or Animas, to materialize and sweep you away, to rescue you from humdrum and hard marital times—–and who hasn’t?—do not miss!

      Bravos to Wendy and Ken Bichel, who prove once again that creative life flourishes no matter your age, in fact, deepens with wisdom. What inspiration and brilliance!

      Thank you to all the actors and crew who worked so hard to bring this to our town, AKA “San Manhattan.” We are so lucky!

    7. Joe **HELD OVER** "Bikers in Camelot" || San Miguel Playhouse
      Overall Rating:
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      Saw Bikers in Camelot last night. It is fantastic!!!!! Don’t miss it.

    8. Arlena **HELD OVER** "Bikers in Camelot" || San Miguel Playhouse
      Overall Rating:
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      Don’t walk, run to see” Bikers in Camelot”-terrific show!

    9. Jane **HELD OVER** "Bikers in Camelot" || San Miguel Playhouse
      Overall Rating:
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      Boy, oh boy, did I see a fabulous musical tonight! And it has a relatively short run, so be sure to get it on your schedule right away…

      “Bikers in Camelot” has great performers, great new music, and a great story line! It’s the best performance I’ve seen in San Miguel, and is worthy of a much larger city!

      “Bikers” got a long, well-deserved standing ovation at the end. The audience loved everything about it.

    10. Leslie **HELD OVER** "Bikers in Camelot" || San Miguel Playhouse
      Overall Rating:

      So good y’all! Top notch, blew me and my motley crew of 3 companions away. See Bikers in Camelot. Period. (No payment received for this endorsement. Yet.)

    11. Carole **HELD OVER** "Bikers in Camelot" || San Miguel Playhouse
      Overall Rating:
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      A remarkable and thoroughly entertaining theatrical production will open at the San Miguel Playhouse tonight. We just saw a terrific preview this afternoon.

      “Bikers in Camelot” is a romantic musical comedy with story, songs, and music by Wendy Bichel, Ken Bichel as musical director and orchestrator, and Ken Albanese as director and set designer.

      This wonder of a production features fabulous Joshua David Cavanaugh and Santa Claire Hirsch as writers and live-in lovers who are fed up with each other– and seem to want different things from life. Clara Dunham and Magnus Dorholt Kjeldal are stellar as the muses the two writers conjure up as their imagined ideals.

      The play’s 18 songs effortlessly advance the narrative, and are accompanied a terrific live five-piece band, that in addition to Ken Bichel, includes Alan Campbell, Claudia Shiuh, Doug Robinson and Rick Shlosser.

      This production proves that the acoustics at the San Miguel Playhouse are eminently well suited for musical comedy.

      In sum, nothing about Bikers In Camelot is anything less than first rate. I wager it won’t be long before a New York production. You can see it here in SMA between now and March 3. Tickets available at http://www.boletocity.com or at Boleto City at Mercado Sano, Ancha de San Antonio 123, 2nd floor (cash only)

      Go and enjoy!

    12. Barry Weiss **HELD OVER** "Bikers in Camelot" || San Miguel Playhouse
      Overall Rating:
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      I was at a rehearsal for Bikers In Camelot today…. I was there to photograph the rehearsal… I’ve got to tell you you’re going to love it! The score, book, acting and singing… was over the top and this was just a rehearsal. The connection between the four lead actors is wonderful and transmit a very contemporary and romantic story that you’ll love. Wendy and Ken Bichel and Ken Albanese have put together a musical that all of SMA will appreciate. Well done and I can’t wait for the opening.

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