Viernes de Karaoke (Fridays) en Trina Cantina - August 16, 2024

  • karaoke.trina

Event Category: All Events, Social Events, Musical Events, and Night LifeEvent Tags: canción, canta, Karaoke, party, sing, and song

  • Every Friday 7pm-11pm
    Stirling Dickinson #28, Col. San Antonio
    No cover, drink specials, street parking

    Todos vengan para cantar con Annie en Trina Cantina los viernes desde las 7:00pm hasta las 11:00pm!

    Habrá promociones incluyendo chelas en $25 y cocteles en $60.

    Come and sing with Annie at Trina Cantina on Fridays from 7:00pm until 11:00pm!

    Promotions include national beers for $25 pesos and rail drinks for $60 pesos.
    Stirling Dickinson #28, Col. San Antonio. Mucho espacio de estacionamiento cerca. In the little hotel at the end of the street. The lot is closed but there is plenty of street parking nearby.
    ADVERTENCIA: Hasta que se vacune al 100% de la población local y turística, el karaoke puede acelerar la propagación del virus Covid-19, especialmente las nuevas variantes extremadamente contagiosas. Las personas no vacunadas corren el máximo riesgo. Si tiene síntomas o puede haber estado expuesto al virus, incluso si está completamente vacunado, por favor quédese en casa.
    WARNING: Until 100% of the local and tourist population is vaccinated, karaoke may accelerate the spread of the Covid-19 virus, especially the extremely contagious new variants. Unvaccinated persons are at maximum risk. If you are experiencing symptoms or may have been exposed to the virus, even if you are fully vaccinated, please stay home.


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