Cooking Class: Fermentación con SCOBY: Kéfir de leche [] Deli Q SMA

  • deli1-10-6

Event Category: Cooking Classes

More Info
  • Wednesday, October 6, 2021
    10:30 to 12:30 pm

    Deli Q

    Seguro has escuchado hablar de los búlgaros o kéfir de leche, pero ¿ya conoces todas sus posibilidades? Los búlgaros son también un SCOBY (Colonia Simbiótica de Bacterias y Levaduras), y se encargan de fermentar la leche.

    Ven a conocer la primera y segunda fermentación de kéfir de leche, y descubre también como elaborar queso crema, bolitas de queso labneh korat, mantequilla cultivada y cómo aprovechar el suero para elaborar fantásticas sodas burbujeantes y saludables.

    Reserva en o directamente en Deli Q
    Costo: $500 pesos

    DeliQ prepares Global Comfort Food out of its small tienda featuring dishes created by locally-based chefs, both Mexican and foreign born. With a large selection of dishes such as true Bolognese Lasagnas, Swedish Meatballs, Cochinita Pibil from Yucatan, Spring Rolls & Chinese Fried Rice, Chilean Empanadas and Hand-made Raviolis with many veggie and salad options, including a Sandwich Shop with fresh breads, pastries, cookies and treats from around the world. DeliQ’a special services include Grazing Boards for Cocktail Parties, Gourmet Picnic Baskets & Menus for Airbnb/Boutique Hotel Guests, beautifully assembled Gift Baskets filled with all Mexican-made artisan food products. All products can be viewed at our online shop or come visit PM. Alicia Wilson, managing partner, a respected tour de force and visible part of the San Miguel food scene, wants members to take 10% off with a min purchase of 300 pesos when paying cash! Coming Soon! a new teaching kitchen from Pura Vida Kitchen added to our upstairs space offering Classes & Tastings with many chefs around town!

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