Guanajuato International Film Festival [] Rotary Club Presentation

  • 08-31-2021-GIFF-6X4

Event Category: Community EventsEvent Tags: charity, community, projects, and service

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    By: Skip Essick

    Every year, the eyes of the film industry are on San Miguel de Allende for the Guanajuato International Film Festival.  The Midday Rotary Club of San Miguel de Allende is rolling out the red carpet for Tuesday’s guest speaker, Sarah Hoch.


    Sarah Hoch is the founder and executive director of the Guanajuato International Film Festival, an annual event that takes place in four cities in Guanajuato including San Miguel de Allende. It is the largest film festival in Mexico and an important platform for young filmmakers in Latin America.


    The festival was created in 1997 as a direct response to a crisis in the Mexican film industry, which at the time was only producing between 4 and 7 and feature films a year.


    The festival has since acted as a catalyst for the creation of a whole new generation of  Mexican independent filmmakers, providing an alternative and accessible space for young creators to not only receive awards, but also professional consultations, co-production and financing through its diverse Industry initiatives.


    During the past 24 years the festival has brought emerging talents together with world-renowned experts. The list reads like a who’s who in the motion picture industry.  Tim Burton, Oliver Stone, and Spike Lee are just a few of the many special guests who have imparted Master Classes for the public and private sessions for filmmakers.


    This years GIFF will make its stop in San Miguel de Allende September 21st through 23rd.  Come join us in person this Tuesday and learn more about this exciting event.  We meet at the Hotel Real de Minas at 9:30AM or by Zoom videoconference.   If you’re joining us vai Zoom. Sign up at and sign up.  You’ll receive an email with instructions on being a part of this weeks meeting.


    Rotary is where neighbors, friends and problem-solvers share ideas, join leaders and take action to create lasting change.  For more information, contact President Skip Essick at

    Who We Are…

    We are a multi-cultural English-speaking Rotary Club located in beautiful and historic San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico, an UNESCO World Heritage Site that has been named by Conde Nast Traveler as the best city in the world! 
    Our Vision To be a diverse group of active and enthusiastic members who are recognized as providers of valuable services for local and international communities.

    Our Mission To provide assistance to others in order to improve the quality of life and to advance community understanding, goodwill, and peace.


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