Documentary: The Vietnam War [] Teatro Santa Ana at La Biblioteca

  • Documentary-The-Vietnam-War

Event Category: La Biblioteca and FilmsEvent Tags: Biblioteca, Entertainment, Films, movies, Music, play, and theater

  • Documentary: The Vietnam War

    Teatro Santa Ana
    Relox 50

    70 pesos

    A comprehensive history of the United States’ involvement in the bitterly divisive armed conflict in Southeast Asia.


    La Guerra de Vietnam

    Teatro Santa Ana
    Relox 50

    70 pesos

    las operaciones militares norteamericanas en Vietnam durante los años 60 y 70, así como el aumento de la oposición a la guerra de Vietnam dentro de los Estados Unidos durante el tiempo del conflicto. (FILMAFFINITY)

    The Teatro Santa Ana is an intimate 91-seat theater, located inside the Biblioteca Publica. For over 20 years, the Teatro Santa Ana has been a premiere venue for theatrical productions, musical concerts, films and conferences in Centro historico San Miguel de Allende.


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