Monet’s 180th Birthday Tour at the National Gallery of Art – Livestream

  • monet

Event Category: Artistic Events and Presentations/Discussions

  • Monet’s 180th Birthday Tour
    at the National Gallery of Art

    – Livestream –

    Saturday, November 14, 2020 at 1:00 PM


    The National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC hold an incredible collection of 29 paintings by Claude Monet. Join us for an online/virtual tour of these works on Monet’s 180th birthday!

    Our National Gallery of Art program will cover Claude Monet’s fascinating life and enduring legacy, including what makes his artwork so unique and why he became so popular, along with the opportunity to see some of the other Impressionist works at the NGA including Van Gogh, Degas, Manet, Renoir, Cezanne, Morisot and more.


    Oscar-Claude Monet (November 14, 1840 – December 5, 1926) was a French painter, a founder of French Impressionist painting and the most consistent and prolific practitioner of the movement’s philosophy of expressing one’s perceptions before nature, especially as applied to plein air landscape painting. The term “Impressionism” is derived from the title of his painting Impression, soleil levant (Impression, Sunrise), which was exhibited in 1874 in the first of the independent exhibitions mounted by Monet and his associates as an alternative to the Salon de Paris.

    Monet’s ambition of documenting the French countryside led him to adopt a method of painting the same scene many times in order to capture the changing of light and the passing of the seasons. From 1883, Monet lived in Giverny, where he purchased a house and property and began a vast landscaping project which included lily ponds that would become the subjects of his best-known works. He began painting the water lilies in 1899, first in vertical views with a Japanese bridge as a central feature and later in the series of large-scale paintings that was to occupy him continuously for the next 20 years of his life.


    The National Gallery of Art, and its attached Sculpture Garden, is a national art museum in Washington, D.C., located on the National Mall, between 3rd and 9th Streets, at Constitution Avenue NW. Open to the public and free of charge, the museum was privately established in 1937 for the American people by a joint resolution of the United States Congress. Andrew W. Mellon donated a substantial art collection and funds for construction. The Gallery’s collection of paintings, drawings, prints, photographs, sculpture, medals, and decorative arts traces the development of Western Art from the Middle Ages to the present, including the only painting by Leonardo da Vinci in the Americas and the largest mobile created by Alexander Calder.



    Your host for this program is Robert Kelleman, the founder/director of the non-profit community organization Washington, DC History & Culture. Robert earned an art history degree from the University of Michigan, spent the first two years of his career at the Detroit Institute of Arts and has visited several dozen art museums throughout the world.

    This program is not affiliated with the National Gallery of Art – it is presented by Washington, DC History & Culture – and your host is not employed by the museum.





    Zoom Connection:

    This educational and entertaining program is open to all regardless of age, geographic location, etc. and since it is an online/virtual event via Zoom you can connect from anywhere in the world.

    This is a FREE program – voluntary donations accepted to support our non-profit community programs.

    Zoom events have a limit on the number of people that can participate and therefore the event may “sell-out” once a certain number of registrations has been reached.


    Zoom Connection Link Will Be Emailed:

    Login info will emailed approximately 8-24 hours prior to the event to those that registered through the (link via Facebook) or web sites.

    Please note that clicking “Interested” or “Going” on the Facebook event posting is not a formal registration – you have to click “Tickets” or similar on Facebook to be transferred to (Facebook’s ticketing site) to actually register.

    If you’ve successfully registered you’ll receive an email confirmation from Eventbrite or Meetup.

    If you haven’t received the Zoom connection an hour before the event feel free to contact us.


    Zoom Connection Suggestions:

    Connecting to Zoom a few minutes early is strongly recommended.

    This is a visual presentation so the bigger device screen that you can use the better.

    To join the event simply click the Zoom link that is emailed separately and follow the instructions.

    If clicking the link doesn’t work you can try copying and pasting it instead.

    Depending on the device Zoom may work better in some browsers/devices than others – if one doesn’t work try another.

    If you are disconnected for any reason just reconnect.

    When all else fails read and follow the directions. : )




    This program is presented by the non-profit community organization Washington, DC History & Culture:

    “bringing people together to experience the history and culture of Washington, DC.”


    For more entertaining and educational programs visit us at:





    We look forward to seeing you – thanks!


    Robert Kelleman

    Washington, DC History & Culture

    202-821-6325 (text only)

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