Our mission is to ensure that all San Miguel de Allende children who are Deaf become literate, independent, and productive citizens who set and achieve Read more [...]
Jóvenes Adelante A.C.
Lack of funds is the biggest barrier to entry to university education in Mexico. Our scholarships open the door. Our program makes the difference. Jóvenes Read more [...]
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross Foundation México Centro
Inspired and guided by the work and deeds of Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, we are committed to promote, support, defend and protect her legacy. It is Read more [...]
PhotoGraphic Galeria
The Academia & Galaría Fotografía SMA is the center for photography in San Miguel Allende. Founded by Jo Brenzo, the Gallery holds exhibits, offers classes, Read more [...]
Casa EXITO con Fabiola Arellano
Centro de capacitación en Programación Neurolingüística Humano y solvente que facilita herramientas para que la persona, empresa o institución viva en continua expansión y excelencia. Read more [...]
Mercado Ignacio Ramírez
Just a 3-minute walk from El Jardin, the main plaza of San Miguel de Allende, is the Ignacio Ramirez market. Wander the aisles for vegetables, Read more [...]
Galeria de Arte / Michael Tolleson Savant
A gallery displaying the art of the founding artists and providing a safe, welcoming place for anyone to explore the art and gifts of autism. Read more [...]
Ed Caminos AC
EdCaminos es una Asociación Civil dedicada a ayudar a la comunidad de San Miguel de Allende a través de actividades educativas de regularizacion a niños Read more [...]
Arbol de Vida SMA (Waldorf School at Los Charcos)
Arbol de Vida is an educational community inspired by the Waldorf Pedagogy. Our mission is that science, dance, music, theater, literature, history, mythology, art and Read more [...]
San Miguel Angels For Education
San Miguel Angels For Education (SMAFE) supports and invests in the education of children in orphanages to shape a more vibrant future for one of Read more [...]