Boomers in Paradise | WEA Health Insurance

Place Category: Services and Insurance SvcsPlace Tags: coverage, expat, health, and insurance

  • Boomers-in-Paradise is a Texas registered U.S. Corporation started by an ex-pat in order to make North American style health insurance available to us here in Mexico.  In 2014 we began the complicated process of becoming a registered corporation in Mexico.  Boomers In Paradise was granted Mexican Corporation status in June, 2015 as a non-profit organization.

    Started in 2012 by Ava Wilson, Boomers has quickly grown to over 300 members these past three years!  This grass roots organization has grown from the referrals of friends-telling-friends.  It is based on the old-fashioned “grapevine”, but with the help of the internet that “grapevine” has extended to expat friends all over Mexico.

    In 2009, Ava had a bad accident (shattered knee) after only two weeks in Paradise.  With no insurance coverage she was left wondering how she was going to get proper medical attention here in Mexico. She thought those sorts of things only happened to other people! But now faced with the dire reality of no insurance coverage and $30,000 USD (paid out-of-pocket from their savings) there simply was not enough savings left to sustain another accident – without insurance.

    She vowed to find a solution not only for herself and husband,  but for her friends and other ex-pats living in the same reality — miles from home without proper medical coverage.  After exploring private insurance options, It was then that she was struck with a great idea! She would put together a group of ex-pats and secure a group plan for all the members! And thus, Boomers in Paradise was born.

    After establishing a U.S. corporation, she successfully forged a deal with Best Doctors Insurance in the U.S. enabling Boomers-In-Paradise to accept healthy members up through age 74, with lifetime renewal privileges.  This would provide both Americans and Canadians affordable, world-class, catastrophic health insurance coverage while in Mexico – or anywhere in the world for that matter!

    Mindful that “one size does not fit all”, in 2015 she is proud to announce a second partnership with The Worldwide Expatriate Assn. for a more comprehensive medical insurance plan at a great price with worldwide benefits.  By excluding only the U.S. from the worldwide coverage plan, the plan is extremely affordable and expats from all over the world are eligible to apply if they have a valid passport from their home country.