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Ensure You Have Options In A Medical Emergency with SkyMed
San Miguel is wonderful and enjoyed by many ex-pats and snowbirds. San Miguel is a tourist mecca. However, San Miguel is NOT a medical tourism mecca!
Does your Medicare Plan or Canadian Provincial Insurance cover you here? Regardless of whether you think the answer is “Yes” or “No”, you still need an affordable SkyMed Plan as a reliable bridge back to your home hospital of choice in a medical emergency.
In a medical emergency, you owe it to yourself and your loved ones to have options in order to ensure that you will receive the best, correct, and least invasive treatment for your serious condition. SkyMed is comprehensive and flexible enough to give you those options.
Would you want to be flown to a home hospital of your choice in the USA, Canada, or even Mexico, before you undergo that major, invasive treatment locally? Would you want to be flown home for a diagnosed, serious condition that requires treatment but for which you have not been hospitalized? If your answer is “Yes” then you need a SkyMed Plan.
If you are comfortable receiving treatment locally for a certain condition and do not request an evacuation, as a SkyMed member you can have a friend or family member flown in from Day 1 in the hospital to be at your bedside as emotional support and help you with your rehab/recovery. SkyMed will make the round trip flight arrangements and pay for the Visitor Transportation service.
SkyMed Plans also include flights for members who wish to return home for recovery/rehab if they have chosen to receive treatment locally for a serious medical condition.
Contact us to find out just how comprehensive, flexible and affordable “SkyMed Peace of Mind” is for ex-pats and snowbirds alike. Members pay NOTHING for their emergency flights home, whether they go via private air ambulance or on a commercial flight with a nurse escort. SkyMed has lots of testimonials from LOCAL members who have experienced the REAL Deal of a SkyMed “Takes You Home” service. Let us show you all the SkyMed advantages!
Please contact:
Sarah Ash
SkyMed Vice President, Team Mexico
MX Cell: 415 125 3537
US Cell: 928 255 0220
Robert Ash
MX Cell: 442 595 3370
US Cell: 480 409 4683
I needed to concur with a previous poster that SkyMed gave me stellar service as recently as yesterday when I needed to fly San Diego to DFW to Leon
There were multiple flight delays and then, a cancellation. The travel agency assisted me in finding an earlier flight out of San Diego and tracked me once I landed in DFW.
As several have noted SkyMed is not only for medical air evacuation emergencies but if the situation warrants it they will pay round trip airfare (eg hip replacement surgery in USA etc)
I can not begin to tell you the number of people who have contacted me over the years because a loved one had a fall, heart attack or stroke and they had Medicare in the USA but they did not have SkyMed and ended up paying thousands and thousands of dollars here for a private hospital and other medical services.
Personally, as a medical provider and patient both I, highly recommend, people consider this option.
I had SkyMed to Houston and they were totally professional, timely and gentle. Read the fine print about returning. The first time I could not be evacuated, they brought my daughter to me and returned her in a timely manner. Highly recommended!
Several years ago I purchased a five-year SkyMed policy in case I needed to get back to the states quickly for a medical emergency. I certainly did not expect to need it but the cost was reasonable and, yuck, we’re getting older.
Well, in the past few years I have had two totally unanticipated major health challenges (heart problems and cancer), the last one culminating is surgery in the U.S. just a few weeks ago.
In both instances SkyMed came through for me with exceptional service and thoughtfulness. Sometimes we are quick to criticize businesses that fall short or disappoint us so I thought I should take a minute to publicly acknowledge what a great job this company did for me.
They flew me and a companion round trip to my destinations (Mayo once, Cleveland Clinic once) and paid 100% of the fares. They worked with me to identify the best flights. They promptly paid for some related miscellaneous travel expenses. They were extremely reasonable in their requests for documentation, which they certainly had a right to ask for. Representatives, including one of their VPs, called me personally to check on everything and find out how I was doing.
In my last conversation with one of their executives, just a few days ago, after thanking him profusely, he said “well, you are part of our family.” Usually I dismiss these bromides as corporate gobbledygook. But, in this case, I believe he meant it and it was meaningful to me.
This company is an example of what good stewardship and corporate responsibility is all about. Thank you.
i am writing from a hospital bed in Querétaro. Sarah and the team helped us find clinics in Zihuatenejo where they identified my life threatening condition and from there took an ambulance to Queretaro.
i will be released in a few days but at that time i was left with only one day or 2 to live!
A wonderful team and service with ambulance coverage
hats off
Saludos to SkyMed!
I want to commend SkyMed for the great service they recently provided us! My husband, Bob, tripped and fell at our home fracturing both elbows, November 22, 2016.
I contacted Sarah Ash from the ER here to see if they could assist us in arranging for transportation to Dr. Schmidt’s clinic in Jurica. Sarah answered immediately but unfortunately, Dr. Schmidt was not available for a week. On to plan B!
Sarah instantly brought calm, encouragement and much needed support. She suggested instead, flying us to Toronto, Canada for surgery and efficiently checked our coverage and made arrangements for flights to get us there. She even arranged to have us upgraded to First Class for enhanced mobility making sure that wheelchairs were provided at each stop which were a godsend to get us past long lines and for early boarding!
We were in Toronto for five weeks. During this time, we kept in touch re updates and necessary papers for the trip back to SMA. I got rapid responses from SkyMed each and every time!
Once we got clearance to return to SMA, SkyMed quickly arranged our flights and wheelchairs for December 30th.
Our SMA/SkyMed experience was so positive . Our friends have been really impressed with our story and this wonderful coverage and service! Thanks to all the SkyMed family, most especially, Sarah Ash and John Latimer! We really highly recommend your excellent service!
Cathy and Bob Graham
In Sept. 2016 (3 months after my enrollment) I suffered a fall which fractured the head of my humerus. After being stabilized locally, I contacted SkyMed and they immediately started the process for transportation to my hospital of choice back in the USA.
It was determined that I did not need an emergency airlift (by air ambulance) but SkyMed immediately arranged for 1st class tickets for me, my wife AND a NURSE ESCORT to fly to Miami Baptist Hospital. In addition, SkyMed took care of the hospital admission AND confirmed an appointment with my surgeon.
During my stay in Miami, I received several phone calls from Nan Steinberg (SkyMed Member Services) as well as Eleanore Klein (SkyMed President)
I want to acknowledge my local agent Sarah Ash for assisting me both prior as well as post experience.
Dr. John Gough
Jack and I live full-time in San Miguel after relocating from Madison, Wisconsin. When I started to experience problems with my right eye, I contacted my surgeon in Madison. He had successfully operated on the same eye a year before and he recommended a thorough eye exam as soon as I could get to Madison and that surgery would follow within a couple of hours if necessary.
I contacted SkyMed and Nan in Member Services confirmed that SkyMed would fly me and my partner back home. I was NOT hospitalized and did not need a private air ambulance, but since I had received a serious diagnosis we qualified for commercial flights back home. Nan transferred me to John, SkyMed’s Travel Agent, who was very adept at finding availability on flights for the next day that I couldn’t find when I had tried earlier. The best I had been able to do in my search had been 4 days out! We were flown to Madison by commercial jet in less than 24 hours from my initial call to them. Amazing! As SkyMed members, SkyMed paid for our flights.
Luckily for me, the news at my appointment with my eye surgeon was positive. I did not need surgery. I called SkyMed and they told me they would book our tickets back to Mexico when we were ready. The return flights were also covered by our SkyMed plan.
We’re very happy with the total SkyMed experience. We’ve told our neighbors, friends and family in Wisconsin and in Mexico that SkyMed treated us like royalty and we were given special treatment from beginning to end. We couldn’t be more pleased to have the SkyMed team ready to help us when we need it most. We had signed up for a multi-year plan and feel it has already paid for itself. Mil Gracias!!