
Place Category: Business Listings, Medical Directory, and Medical ServicesPlace Tags: emergency, evacuation, and medical

Local News
  • Ensure You Have Options In A Medical Emergency with SkyMed


    San Miguel is wonderful and enjoyed by many ex-pats and snowbirds. San Miguel is a tourist mecca. However, San Miguel is NOT a medical tourism mecca!


    Does your Medicare Plan or Canadian Provincial Insurance cover you here? Regardless of whether you think the answer is “Yes” or “No”, you still need an affordable SkyMed Plan as a reliable bridge back to your home hospital of choice in a medical emergency.


    In a medical emergency, you owe it to yourself and your loved ones to have options in order to ensure that you will receive the best, correct, and least invasive treatment for your serious condition. SkyMed is comprehensive and flexible enough to give you those options.


    Would you want to be flown to a home hospital of your choice in the USA, Canada, or even Mexico, before you undergo that major, invasive treatment locally? Would you want to be flown home for a diagnosed, serious condition that requires treatment but for which you have not been hospitalized? If your answer is “Yes” then you need a SkyMed Plan.


    If you are comfortable receiving treatment locally for a certain condition and do not request an evacuation, as a SkyMed member you can have a friend or family member flown in from Day 1 in the hospital to be at your bedside as emotional support and help you with your rehab/recovery. SkyMed will make the round trip flight arrangements and pay for the Visitor Transportation service.


    SkyMed Plans also include flights for members who wish to return home for recovery/rehab if they have chosen to receive treatment locally for a serious medical condition.


    Contact us to find out just how comprehensive, flexible and affordable “SkyMed Peace of Mind” is for ex-pats and snowbirds alike. Members pay NOTHING for their emergency flights home, whether they go via private air ambulance or on a commercial flight with a nurse escort. SkyMed has lots of testimonials from LOCAL members who have experienced the REAL Deal of a SkyMed “Takes You Home” service. Let us show you all the SkyMed advantages!


    Please contact:

    Sarah Ash

    SkyMed Vice President, Team Mexico

    MX Cell: 415 125 3537

    US Cell: 928 255 0220



    Robert Ash

    MX Cell: 442 595 3370

    US Cell: 480 409 4683