Casa Papaya San Miguel

Place Category: Boutique Hotels and RestaurantsPlace Tags: Hotel, italtian, Pizza, and Restaurant

  • Lee Duberman and Richard Fink invite you to the (most likely) last chapter in their story of food, drink and family!

    Lee and Richard moved to San Miguel with their son Noah and their dog Bailey after 30 years in Vermont.  They met while teaching and bartending at the New England Culinary Institute, and within a few years had created four restaurants and two wonderful sons together.  Their most well known restaurant, Ariel’s in Brookfield, Vermont, provided 21 years of fine farm-to-table dining to Central Vermont, and their reputation spread much further.

    They fell in love with San Miguel their first time here in 2001, and for many years they have been plotting their move.  Finally, they are here to stay.

    Casa Papaya is Lee and Richard’s San Miguel home. It is an experiment in hospitality, encompassing three B&B guest rooms,  Chef’s dinners open to the public, a wood-fired oven on the roof, providing hand-crafted pizzas on Sunday afternoons, market tours, cooking classes and small-event catering.