Tyler Art Gallery

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Place Category: Business Listings, Arts, and Art Galleries-StudiosPlace Tags: art workshops, oil painting classes, San Miguel de Allende, and weeklong art class

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    At age five he knew he was going to spend his life making art. Tim’s first oil painting was in the form of a commission from a local art collector who saw promise in a fourteen-year-old and drove him to the art supply store. By age sixteen has had consigned work into galleries, by twenty-one he was consigning work with prestigious Trailsides Gallery, Scottsdale AZ.

    His childhood was spent in the Southwest of the United States where he lived in small towns, working on cattle ranches and farms in Arizona and Oklahoma. He attended a private college on a baseball scholarship, majoring in fine art/architecture. During his twenties, he worked as a carpenter, graphic artist, and operating engineer at an oil refinery. At age twenty-three he designed and built his own two-story home. During this time, he painted at night after work and on weekends. He sold paintings and bronze sculptures while studying with professionals he admired. Before turning thirty, he was able to make a living by art alone.

    His realistic leaning oil paintings depict a wide-ranging subject matter but all are infused with a strong sense of design. Light and color are two of the most commonly remarked upon aspects of his artwork. He taught oil painting since 1985.

    After a lifetime in the arts, he has been awarded memberships in many of the most prestigious art organizations and racked up hundreds of awards. He feels artwork should be able to speak for itself, and power will be recognized, appreciated, and collected. Scores of art museums have shown his pieces, three have purchased his work outright. “Liberty Upon the Altar of Freedom” was added into the permanent collection of “Museum of European Art Modern” in Barcelona, Spain. He remains active in Europe, USA, and San Miguel De Allende, a place perennially declaimed one of the “Worlds Prettiest Cities” by multiple international travel magazines. SMA has also been known as a fine art mecca for seventy years. A career spanning four decades, Tim’s work has been exhibited in over one hundred galleries and museums from New York to LA, Barcelona to Aspen. Over three hundred international awards validate his work, assuring his collectors who include Amon Carter (Amon Carter Art Museum) and Alice Walton (Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art) He has been elected into and exhibited with several prestigious art associations like the Salmagundi Club founded 1873 in NY, New York, & the California Art Club founded 1907 Pasadena, CA.

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