San Miguel Angels For Education

Place Category: Community and Non-Profit OrgainzationsPlace Tags: 500 and 1779

  • San Miguel Angels For Education (SMAFE) supports and invests in the education of children in orphanages to shape a more vibrant future for one of Mexico’s most vital resources – its children. SMAFE provides access to primary, secondary and higher education while delivering the tools for success through technology, bilingual education, tutoring and relationships with mentors for those who lack these critical forces in their everyday lives which ultimately empowers tomorrow’s leaders.

    San Miguel Angels for Education (SMAFE) apoya e invierte en la educación de niños y adolescentes en Casa Hogar para brindarles la oportunidad de un mejor futuro y con ello darle un mejor futuro a nuestro país (México). SMAFE brinda apoyo con becas completas para que los menores puedan asistir a primarias, secundarias y preparatorias bilingües y con ello tengan mejores oportunidades para desenvolverse en diversas áreas de su vida.