Computadoras Pro Jovenes – CPJ

Place Category: Community and Non-Profit Orgainzations

  • CPJ has installed over 1,400 pieces of donated equipment in 100 schools in San Miguel de Allende. We recondition the equipment, place it, teach recipients how to use it and have a field support program. Our 60+ volunteers work in 50 communities in and around SMA. We partner with local NGOS that share our goals for the kids of Mexico.

    We solicit desktops locally and laptops worldwide.

    If your gently used old laptop or computer has a Pentium (or faster) processor, we’d love to give it another life here in Mexico.

    What is Computadoras Pro Jovenes/Computers For School Kids? We are a non-profit organization headquartered in San Miguel Allende, a small city in central Mexico. Its population of 140,000 includes about 14,000 American, Canadian and European expatriates.

    In 2005, one of those expats had a monitor he was no longer using, and heard about a school that had a computer and no monitor. He thought it would be a good idea to give it to that school out in the ranchos, a country school which otherwise might never be able to use its computer effectively. He followed that with some instructions and mentoring. The tremendous success of that small endeavor, the excitement those kids experienced was the seed that grew into Computadoras Pro Jovenes.

    It is estimated now that more than 10,000 youngsters, ranging from kindergarten and primary schools to college kids, have benefited from the program, which has distributed more than 1,000 computers, printers, monitors, and other peripherals throughout the area. All of this from a self-sustaining, not-for-profit organization.