The San Miguel Community Foundation (SMCF), a 501(c)(3) charitable foundation awards grants twice a year to eligible Mexican non-profits that are the neediest at the time Read more [...]
Casa EXITO con Fabiola Arellano
Centro de capacitación en Programación Neurolingüística Humano y solvente que facilita herramientas para que la persona, empresa o institución viva en continua expansión y excelencia. Read more [...]
Horse Rescue San Miguel de Allende
Horses are beautiful loving animals that have encountered some problems coexisting in the human environment of the 21st century. I have always loved horses but I Read more [...]
Mercado San Juan de Dios
Mercado San Juan de Dios San Juan de Dios is one of San Miguel de Allende’s principal traditional markets, just a five minute walk from Read more [...]
Atención San Miguel Newspaper
San Miguel de Allende’s only weekly bilingual newspaper Atención San Miguel was founded in in 1976, as a social enterprise of La Biblioteca de San Miguel de Read more [...]
Ed Caminos AC
EdCaminos es una Asociación Civil dedicada a ayudar a la comunidad de San Miguel de Allende a través de actividades educativas de regularizacion a niños Read more [...]
Arbol de Vida SMA (Waldorf School at Los Charcos)
Arbol de Vida is an educational community inspired by the Waldorf Pedagogy. Our mission is that science, dance, music, theater, literature, history, mythology, art and Read more [...]
Orgullo LGBT de San Miguel de Allende
Nos interesa celebrar y visibilizar a la comunidad LGBTI de San Miguel de Allende a través de eventos culturales y propositivos. Todas las personas y Read more [...]
La Casona San Miguel de Allende
It’s a beautiful and functioning enclosure where your business and social events can shine with the splendor of one of the loveliest destinations in Mexico, Read more [...]
Sociedad Protectora de Animales de San Miguel de Allende, A.C. (SPA)
The Sociedad Protectora de Animales de San Miguel de Allende has been leading the charge in animal welfare since 1980. We are the oldest no-kill Read more [...]