Inside Villa Mirasol Hotel, open for breakfast and lunch in garden setting.
La Puertecita Boutique Hotel
Receiving our first guests in 1990, and offering them its cozy and elegant rooms. Today LA PUERTECITA BOUTIQUE HOTEL & RESTAURANT welcomes you with the Read more [...]
Hotel Arcada Spa and Restaurant
It offers a Colonial style atmosphere, located in the city of San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato. We are an excellent option to make a pleasant Read more [...]
El Asador Catalán
El Asador Catalán Restaurant-bar-sausage store Road to Querétaro, km 9.5 (past Presidencia Municipal) Tel: 120-8118, 155-8498 Hrs: Tues-Sun 12:30-8pm, closed Monday Credit cards: Master and Read more [...]
Nirvana Hotel Spa and Restaurant
“Experience a refreshing change of pace and a slice of Nirvana. Chef Juan Carlos Escalante has created a new, rare space for his popular Nirvana Read more [...]
Bicentenario Todo Terreno SMA
“MISIÓN” Empresa que genera y desarrolla productos turísticos que produzca experiencias, sensaciones y emociones en nuestros visitantes. Promoviendo una cadena de valores de alta calidad Read more [...]
Discovery Guanajuato DMC
Somos una empresa mexicana, experta en el turismo del centro de México (DMC), debidamente registrada, con sede en San Miguel de Allende; dedicada a satisfacer Read more [...]
Clinica Dental San Miguel de Allende
After more than thirty years of professional activity in San Miguel de Allende and as head of Clínica Dental San Miguel de Allende, I am Read more [...]
Cafe de Santos
(VIP Club Restaurant) Café de Santos is a cozy spot to duck into any time of day, located on the corner of Hospicio and Cuna Read more [...]