Ayudamos a buscar hogar para animales con necesidades y fomentar la esterilización.
Chorale San Miguel
Chorale San Miguel presents concerts in large choral format, principally Masses, Oratorios, a cappella sacred music, and other choral and orchestral compositions of the last Read more [...]
Club Rotario Smart San Miguel de Allende
Non-profit organization
El Jardin (Zocalo)
The Jardín in San Miguel de Allende is the vibrant heart of this charming colonial city in Guanajuato, Mexico. This open space, also known as Read more [...]
Stadio de Béisbol Stirling Dickinson/Stirling Dickinson Stadium
Stadio de Béisbol Stirling Dickinson, often referred to as simply “Stirling Dickinson Stadium,” is a baseball stadium located in San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico. Read more [...]
Libros para Todos a Bellas Artes / El Nigromante Cultural Center
INSPIRING CHILDREN TO READ MORE. The nonprofit organization Libros para Todos (Books for Everyone), seeks to inspire children in Mexico to read more, particularly those Read more [...]
St. Paul’s Anglican Church
Consecrated in 1965, St. Paul’s Anglican (Episcopal) Church is the local parish of the Anglican Diocese of Mexico, one of six Anglican dioceses in the Read more [...]
Ranchito Cascabel / Timmyland
The park in Mexico that looks like a ‘movie’ by Tim Burton By Fernanda Hernández Ranchito Cascabel also known as Timmyland, has a retro and futuristic Read more [...]
Angelitos Sanctuario
Angelitos Sanctuario started when a renowned humanitarian (Amy Gigi Alexander) found herself stranded in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico and met an abandoned street puppy Read more [...]
Operisima Mexico
Operísima México, based in San Miguel de Allende, was founded by Mtro. Rogelio Riojas-Nolasco, pianist and vocal coach with more than 40 years of national Read more [...]