The San Miguel de Allende Music Festival began 40 years ago when, under the direction of Carmen Massip de Hawkins, a dedicated group of music Read more [...]
Tuesday Market / Tianguis de los Martes
The Tianguis de los Martes (Tuesday Market) is a giant market held every Tuesday across the Queretaro road from the Luciernega mall above town. It Read more [...]
Chapel of Jimmy Ray/Casa de las Ranas
Casa de las Ranas Casa de Las Ranas is located in the small village of La Cieneguita, Mexico near San Miguel de Allende. The compound is Read more [...]
ALMA: Apoyo a los San Miguelenses Ancianos Alma A.C.
ALMA. Home for the elderly needy of San Miguel Carmina Casas 69, Frac. The Lejona. San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato. Mexico 37765 415 152 7210 Read more [...]
El Sindicato
The origin of the El Sindicato dates back to the early 1900s, when they began building the facilities of the textile factory “La Aurora”. In Read more [...]
Casa Europa México
Mission Ser el anfitrión de bienvenida y de procesos para todas aquellas expresiones y manifestaciones constructivas, culturales, educativas, inversionistas, científicas, económicas y turísticas, abogando por Read more [...]
Amigos de Animales
Our mission is to help curb the overpopulation of companion animals in San Miguel de Allende and to help eliminate the fear, pain, suffering and Read more [...]
Camino de la Paz
Camino de la Paz (The Path of Peace) is a community of individuals and organizations working together to bring peace and improve the quality of Read more [...]
Fundación Cultural Jorge González Camarena, A.C.
Fundación creada en 1986 como homenaje al pintor, escultor y muralista Jorge González Camarena. Teniendo por objetivo el fomento y difusión de las actividades artísticas Read more [...]
Festival In lak’ech – San Miguel de Allende
Festival In lak’ech en San Miguel de Allende, “Yo soy otro tu, tu eres otro yo”. Magia, música, arte, danza, espíritu, corazón…nuestras raices. Aho!