Women of San Miguel who did it their way
News Category: News, General Discussion, and People of SMA
Published March 7, 2023So much of history, including the history of San Miguel, revolves around men who made a difference. We all know that women’s place in society, and of what was expected of them, was the major factor in this lack of female representation. Things are different today, although there are still many constraints on women, but nothing to the degree of several centuries ago. That’s why, when a woman rose to a position of power in the past, she had to exhibit strong-headedness, and a good dose of rebelliousness, to stand up to societal rules and do things—her way. A number of San Miguel women challenged the status quo, and left a legacy of female power in a way that resonates to this day.Si disfrutas de una buena lectura, no dejes de checar el sitio web para leer más entradas del blog.If you enjoy a good quality read, make sure to check out the web site to read more entries
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