Stories of San Miguel: A native son and his home

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News Category: News, General Discussion, and People of SMA

  • Published June 15, 2024

    by Natalie Taylor

    One afternoon in 1837, a nineteen year old student appeared in the halls of the prestigious Academy of Juan de Letran in Mexico City, composed of the most respected intellectuals of the day. The young man wore humble clothing, and stood before them to present his introductory thesis. From his pocket he took out several pieces of paper, in different sizes and colors. Then, with a sure, and clear voice he announced the title of his presentation: “There is no God. Natural beings sustain themselves.”


    San Miguel de Allende ha tenido dos hombres importantes en su historia, ambos de nombre Ignacio. Uno, Ignacio Allende, un guerrero con espada, y el segundo, Ignacio Ramírez, un guerrero con pluma. Este mes celebramos a Ignacio Ramírez, conocido como “el Nigromante”….


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