RIP: Susan O’Neal, left a legacy of love and service

  • susan

News Category: News and People of SMA

  • Published October 2, 2024

    We bid farewell to Susan O’Neal, a woman whose absence already weighs heavy in the hearts of those who knew her. Just a day before we celebrated your birthday, but fate had already prepared your path to the light.

    You left behind your beloved land in Colorado to make San Miguel de Allende your second home, a place where you not only lived, but where you truly flourished. Here, in every street, in every smile she helped draw, Susan left her soul.

    With her time, energy and resources, Susan touched countless lives, especially those most in need. She gave of herself with a passion and generosity that made her a woman admired and loved by all. Her life never knew rest, always committed to different causes and projects. She joined organizations, participated in groups, and at every opportunity, she extended her hand to anyone in need. Today, we remember her as a woman who changed not only the destiny of this land she loved so much, but also that of many people she supported.

    Sleep, Susan, and rest in that sleep that your soul has also reached and left us here your body and your greatest memories.

    For countless years, you dedicated your life to serving others, improving the lives of those who have the least. Your generosity, always overflowing, not only financed projects, but also sowed hope in hearts. You were an example of dedication, altruism and commitment, and your imprint is indelible in this community.

    Beyond being an altruistic woman, you were a dear friend. Always focused on the education of young people, you worked tirelessly to open doors and provide opportunities for a brighter future.

    Your love for youth was a reflection of your hope for a better world, one more equitable and full of possibilities.

    Your kindness, your contagious laughter and that warm presence that filled us so much, will always be with us. Although we say goodbye to you physically today, your spirit lives on in every act of generosity and service we perform in your honor.

    Rest in peace, dear Susan. Your legacy, full of love and light, will live on in each of us.

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