Recipe for cream of chicken fat
News Category: News, Food and Drink, and People of SMA
¡Nuevo post del blog de Natalie Taylor!¡New post from Natalie Taylor’s blog!RECIPE FOR CREAM OF CHICKEN FATI found this recipe, in Spanish, written by Maruja Gonzalez who still lives in San Miguel de Allende. She collaborated on the book Estelas de un Tiempo; and her novel, Los Empeños de Consuelo was published in 2005 and won a literary prize in Guanajuato. I thought her writing was quite amusing, and decided to translate this particular story to share with my readers. Continue reading…Si disfrutas de una buena lectura, no dejes de checar el sitio web para leer más entradas del blog.If you enjoy a good quality read, make sure to check out the web site to read more entries
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