Daniel Vázquez the ‘Guardian’ of the Public Clock of San Miguel de Allende

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News Category: News, Community News, and People of SMA

  • Since he was 10 years old, Daniel Vázquez accompanied his father to wind the Public Clock of San Miguel de Allende

    Published May 18, 2024

    Daniel Vázquez has inherited a great responsibility, after his father was in charge of the Public Clock of San Miguel de Allende for more than 40 years, for 5 years he acquired the commitment to take care of this jewel of the people of San Miguel.

    Since he was 10 years old, Daniel accompanied his father to wind the Public Clock, gladly climbing the stairs and observing the work that his father, Raúl Vázquez, did to keep the machine that sets the rhythm of the city working.

    The Public Clock was inaugurated on September 16, 1901, it has been working for more than 120 years with its original machinery since, although some parts have been restored, they are all the same as those that it brought since its manufacture.

    Don Raúl Vázquez, a renowned watchmaker of the municipality with more than 50 years of experience, was in charge of this machinery for more than 40 years, when he decided to retire to dedicate himself to his workshop and because, due to his age, he could no longer climb the staircase that leads to this clock, he left to his son Daniel the responsibility of taking care of the tower and its contents.

    About five years ago, Daniel gave up being an architect and focused on taking care of the Public Clock and learning his father’s trade in depth, specializing in large and antique clocks.

    “My dad is a watchmaker, I’m an architect and I left architecture to be with my dad in his business (…) half of my heart is in the watchmaking shop because that’s where my dad is and the other half is here, at the Public Clock,” he says.

    Daniel says he is proud to be where he is, to have the trust of the people of San Miguel who have given him the honor of taking care of one of the most important symbols of the town, since there is no citizen who does not recognize his chimes.

    The clock tower and its contents have been protected by the Vázquez family for 45 years, the interior has maintained its original essence with the wooden staircase and the historic walls that keep traces of many years ago.

    Daniel already fosters in his children respect for this place, invites them to see how he works with the intention that they learn and continue the family legacy, remembers with nostalgia the day his father entrusted him with this work and wants to replicate it with his descendants.

    “It was sad and happy (to receive the watch), because my dad came and looked at it from below, I don’t know what was going through his mind, but it made him very sad (…) And well, father, because only I am in charge, but I always give the merit and recognition to my dad, he is my example.”

    The clock requires to be wound every eight days, but it needs constant attention, the tower, the staircase, the machinery and even the bells, which play the notes ‘D’ for the hours and ‘G-La’ for the quarter hours, are duly cared for by Daniel, in addition the machinery must be stopped at least once every three years for comprehensive maintenance, This is an issue that must be reported to the people of San Miguel, who are quick to complain if the clock goes back or stops.

    Daniel Vázquez is grateful for the opportunity he has been given in San Miguel de Allende and assures that if this jewel is taken care of, as it has been until now, it could work for at least 80 more years, and then become a museum piece, since it is worthy of admiration.

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