Would you like to adopt a bee? This is how you can do it at the Honey Museum in Guanajuato.

News Category: News, Community News, and Non Profits

  • Published May 21st, 2023

    Bees are the most important pollinators in the world and are essential for life to continue on planet Earth, which is why there are currently spaces like the Tierra y Amor ranch, located in San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, that are responsible for providing a good quality of life to this living being, in addition to spreading its importance in the world through the Honey Museum.

    In an interview with MILENIO, Itsel Correa, a member of the Tierra y Amor project, shared that this is a space that seeks to preserve the natural environment of bees through sustainable and regenerative agriculture practices.

    Tierra y Amor has been carrying out this work for more than 30 years and everything arises from the fact that bees migrated to these spaces, so the decision was made to develop an apiary, from that moment on, the bees reproduced rapidly.

    “Currently we have 30 hives, which have given us approximately one ton of honey per year, we are talking about 33 kilos per hive, which could reveal that our bees are healthy, said Itsel.
    He shared that the honey they collect is from mesquite, which is different from what is commonly sold.

    What is mesquite honey?

    It is a type of monofloral honey obtained from the mesquite tree and is characterized by its consistency and flavor, in addition to having a great variety of nutritional properties.

    This honey is composed of zinc, magnesium, manganese, selenium, iron, and calcium.

    According to the members of the museum, it is very important to keep this honey in cold temperatures, otherwise, the nutritional properties are affected.

    Honey Museum
    In the area of San Miguel de Allende, there is no other space that can divulge the importance of bees, that is why the idea of building a Honey Museum was given.
    It is a space that adults and children can visit to learn more about the world of bees and everything related to this living being.

    “The museum has helped us to spread the importance of bees for the planet Earth, so that people become aware and have empathy towards these pollinators.”

    The Honey Museum is composed of four rooms, which are:

    Extraction room: It is a space where visitors can appreciate a beekeeper performing the work of extracting mesquite, honey.
    Bee-human relationship wall: This is an interactive wall where visitors can learn about the importance of bee life with that of human beings.
    Room of items used by beekeepers: Here you will find objects related to the beekeeping industry, such as a beekeeper’s suit, his tools, as well as samples of instruments used in ancient times.
    Honeycomb wall: In this section, you can appreciate exciting facts about bees.

    Sponsor a Bee Program
    This is a program that the museum’s founders created to obtain funds to continue with the project, and it is also a way to spread the message of caring for this living being.

    The program consists in allowing people to adopt a bee by means of economic support and in exchange the sponsor receives several benefits, such as:

    Sponsorship certificate.
    Personalization of their hive (by engraving a personalized name).
    Invitation for four people to the events they organize.
    Five liters of honey per year.
    Delivery of a basket with seasonal products.
    Appear on the wall of sponsored bees.
    “Thanks to this program we can continue to generate the necessary conditions for the bees to continue to develop and never lack food,” they concluded.