Recognition of altruistic work in San Miguel de Allende
News Category: News, Community News, and Non Profits
Published September 10th, 2021
Civil organizations of San Miguel de Allende were recognized for their philanthropic work.
Highlighting their actions and work during the COVID pandemic, today they highlighted the work that Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s), such as civil associations and private initiatives, have shown for the people of San Miguel de Allende.
Among those recognized was Nadine Goodman who for 40 years has supported the people of San Miguel de Allende from the Center for Adolescents of San Miguel de Allende CASA A.C.On behalf of all the organizations, Nory Contractor, director of Patronato Pro Niños A.C., praised the synergy between the NGOs and the current Municipal Administration, stating that “it has been an incredible team. We all live with our hearts set on love. Nothing would be better without us coming together. We made sure that absolutely no one went hungry. We were an example to the world. There were many places that replicated what we were doing here. We learned great lessons for great challenges. I am very proud to call myself a Sanmiguelense.”
Paola Juárez, director of Feed The Hungry, emphasized that “we all had to restructure ourselves, reinvent ourselves, we have a single objective: to support the community during the Covid pandemic, a strong bond was created. Solidarity will take us forward”.
NGO’s RECOGNIZED:Vecinos de la colonia San Rafael
Feed the Hungry A.C.
Cruz Roja
Amigos al 100
Mask 4U
Grupo Covid-19 SMA
Casa AC
Banco de Alimentos
Patronato Pro NIños de San Miguel de Allende A.C.
Por Amor a la Guadalupe
Comité de Vecinos de la colonia Santa Julia y
Comité de Vecinos de la colonia San Luis Rey.
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