Participate in the campaign ‘Dueño Responsable Mascota con Plaquita’ by Patitas de Humanidad A. C.
News Category: News and Non Profits
Published February 13, 2021 (sp)
Participate in the campaign “Dueño Responsable Mascota con Plaquita”, which is part of the campaign “Concientización en Contra del Maltrato Animal”, promoted by the association Patitas de Humanidad San Miguel de Allende A. C.
This campaign is to raise awareness that we should all have our pets with their identification tags, so that in case they get lost, someone with good feelings, with good education, can take care of them, check the tag and call the phone number.
“The ideal is that we always have our pets under our care, that will be the only way to have our pets really protected and we will also be asking if they are sterilized and raise awareness, so that we all understand that we have to have our pets sterilized, even if we don’t take them out, even if they say they don’t take them out, whatever situation they say, we must understand that if we don’t sterilize our pets at home, this situation will not change”, commented Margarita Guerra from Patitas de Humanidad.
This campaign is also making a pet registry to protect even more this situation of our pets, and this registry will only belong to Patitas de Humanidad San Miguel de Allende A. C., share and invite your friends to participate.
“We should all have our pets with an identification tag, it is very important and if we don’t start doing this type of considerations and education, the situation will not change”, concluded Margarita.
Participate, order an ID tag for your pets, it costs $100 pesos each. Send an inbox to the page, we leave you the link ????.
The proceeds will go to the Pet Food Bank (BAM) which is since April last year along with the King Ashoka Feline Sanctuary, they are trying to continue collecting this economic resource to continue buying food to continue helping people who were left without the economic resource to buy food for their pets, and in many cases are helping in veterinary expenses when they are really proving that the person does not have the resource or who wants to help your pet in different situations that arise or also for the animals in street situations or abandonment.
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