Online Auction Ends Friday, October 1st [] Escuela de Educación Especial de San Miguel de Allende A.C.

News Category: News and Non Profits

  • You only have a few more days to bid
    on luxury vacations, jewelry, art and much more!

    Click HERE to start bidding!

    Just imagine; from the safely of your home and the comfort of a favourite armchair you can now bid on some wonderful art, destination packages and adventures, incredible silver jewelry and fabulous gift baskets and much more. And you can also secure some fine Bajio regional wines available in the Wine Pull.

    Consider putting two of the accommodation packages together, for yourself, your family, or your friends. With a three day stay offered by Hacienda de las Flores and a four day stay offered by Oasis B & B, a full week’s vacation in San Miguel can be achieved at a very favorable value.  Add a separate golf package at Club de Golfo Malanquin for the avid golfers in your circle.

    These items and many more are offered in the Learning and Giving Online Silent Auction and Wine Pull running until October 1st. Don’t miss this opportunity to help support deaf kids receive an education in Mexican Sign Language right here in San Miguel de Allende.

    Follow the link, scroll to the bottom of the home page to register free and with no obligation. Take your time to browse the auction catalogue for some great values.

    Presented by Escuela de Educación Especial de San Miguel de Allende, A.C.

    Please direct your questions to John Doherty

    Our mission is to ensure that all San Miguel de Allende children who are Deaf become literate, independent, and productive citizens who set and achieve life goals. San Miguel School for Special Education, or Escuela de Educación Especial de San Miguel de Allende, will accomplish this mission through:

    > Forging partnerships with families, other “like” schools , and government and non-government organizations;

    > Providing leadership, advocacy, and educational expertise that advances a continuum of educational options that honor individual children’s needs and are based upon a comprehensive, whole-child assessment;

    > Dedication to proven best educational practices in language and communication access and the bi-lingual utilization of Mexican Sign Language and Spanish;

    > Establishing and maintaining high expectations for all students through an accessible, engaging, standards-based curriculum that promotes social, vocational, and post-primary school success and utilizes state-of-the-art technology, when available;

    > Respect for diversity in socioeconomic status, cultures and perspectives of families and students;

    > Encouraging and supporting students choices and self-determination to ensure their post-secondary experiences are successful.