Message to Mujeres en Cambio Supporters

News Category: News and Non Profits

  • Published August 26, 2021

    Dear Mujeres en Cambio Supporter,

    We often quote Kofi Annan who famously said, “To educate girls is to reduce poverty.” Current UN Secretary General António Guterres has gone much further: “There is no development tool more effective than education of girls.” That is because educated women have fewer children, improve the economic status of their families, and become better stewards of the world’s natural resources.

    This has been a rollercoaster year for all of us. Nevertheless, we have continued to assist 157 deserving girls and young women in our program. Many had virtually no classroom time in the past 16 months. The infrastructure for virtual learning in many of the villages we support is abysmal. Too many girls have no internet connection at home. Some are sharing devices to learn online. It will require much effort to recoup the loss of educational instruction during this time. We are confident our girls are up to the challenge.

    Our mission remains singular and focused: We empower girls and young women with educational scholarship assistance. The funds we collect from you go directly toward educating girls from poor rural villages around San Miguel de Allende. Too many girls with great potential see their dreams crushed because their families cannot afford to pay the extra schooling costs. Your support through Mujeres en Cambio is often their only hope.

    We are proud to share with you what experts from the Lacewing Foundation say about our  work: “For an all-volunteer organization, you do an exemplary job supporting these young women. Lacewing is happy to be able to help you in your work.” Lacewing has supported Mujeres en Cambio with generous grants since 2008.

    We need your financial help so our girls can realize their educational dreams. We are asking you again to dig deep and help us continue this important mission. Please donate generously so we can get our students firmly back on their educational journeys.

    Thank you!

    Donald Caldwell

    Additional Information

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    Mujeres en Cambio
    220 N. Zapata Hwy #11
    PMB 646B
    Laredo, TX 07843

    Mujeres en Cambio
    La Conexión
    Aldama 3, PMB 646B
    San Miguel de Allende, GTO 37700