Fundraiser for Escuela de Educación Especial de San Miguel de Allende A.C.

News Category: News and Non Profits

  • Your Invitation To
    Our Exciting Fundraiser

    September 2021


    All of us at EEESMA head into the new school year (2021/2022) with optimism and hope for a bright and better future. We fully realize that the financial road ahead will be challenging but we are rolling up our sleeves and putting our shoulders to the wheel, committed to continue to expand and develop this valued and much needed school for kids; kids determined to achieve independence despite being Deaf.

    We have several campaigns/activities planned over the next 12 months aimed at raising further awareness of the school’s services to deaf children, as well as recognizing and inspiring our current supporters. Also, and very importantly, to create new fundraising activities and opportunities.

    Our next major activity will be an upcoming Online Silent Auction and Wine Pull scheduled for September 23rd – October 1st, 2021.

    The Auction is presenting 65 wonderful items including inviting destination packages, incredible paintings and art pieces, many by well-known artists, exquisite jewelry, an assortment of gift baskets, local tours and adventures, and much much more…..also a fabulous Wine Pull.

    We are pleased to share with you, as a preview, the link to the Online Silent Auction and Wine Pull website titled “Learning and Giving”.

    Please take this opportunity to access the website and review the wonderful collection of items being offered for auction. You can register free at any time and save the date to participate when the Auction goes live on September 23rd, 2021.

    All values stated are in US dollars.

    Be safe and be well


    Our mission is to ensure that all San Miguel de Allende children who are Deaf become literate, independent, and productive citizens who set and achieve life goals. San Miguel School for Special Education, or Escuela de Educación Especial de San Miguel de Allende, will accomplish this mission through:

    > Forging partnerships with families, other “like” schools , and government and non-government organizations;

    > Providing leadership, advocacy, and educational expertise that advances a continuum of educational options that honor individual children’s needs and are based upon a comprehensive, whole-child assessment;

    > Dedication to proven best educational practices in language and communication access and the bi-lingual utilization of Mexican Sign Language and Spanish;

    > Establishing and maintaining high expectations for all students through an accessible, engaging, standards-based curriculum that promotes social, vocational, and post-primary school success and utilizes state-of-the-art technology, when available;

    > Respect for diversity in socioeconomic status, cultures and perspectives of families and students;

    > Encouraging and supporting students choices and self-determination to ensure their post-secondary experiences are successful.