Chasing entrepreneurial dreams across dusty back roads of rural SMA
News Category: News, Community News, and Non Profits
Published October 25, 2023
by Robert J. Hawkins
I just spent a half-day rambling around some dusty backroads in the regions around Antotonilco chasing hopes and dreams with a dozen other like-minded people.
Not our hopes and dreams.
No, we were in pursuit of the hopes and dreams of budding entrepreneurs – a beauty salon owner, the owner of a market stall in Antotonilco, the owner of a tiny produce and dry-goods tienda in an indigenous village, an Otomi women’s collective that makes herbal remedies and natural cosmetics, an Otomi embroidery business, and a woman who sells corn-on-the-cob at local football games on Sundays.
Two things that all of these enterprises have in common – their businesses provide for their families and each received a micro-financing loan and educational support from Apoyo a Gente Emprendedora A.C., an organization that has been providing – as its name states “Support for Entrepreneurial People” in San Miguel de Allende for 20 years.
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