Tubotes’ for popochas and shared water with 2,000 new houses, the new life from Principal La Luz
News Category: News and Community News
Last January 14, the then mayor and now PAN candidate for reelection, Luis Alberto Villarreal, accompanied by neighbors, officials and members of the City Council, went to inform the residents of the Avenida Principal La Luz, of a “rehabilitation project” to change the cobblestones for stamped concrete in the more than 1,100 linear meters of the street.
On that occasion Luis Alberto Villarreal told them: “We are making things happen and this is one of them, it is going to be very nice because that is what we deserve, every day we are seeing how to join efforts”.
The neighbors did not even “joke, and said yes to everything, even during the week, they paraded through the Cedecom building, where they were summoned to sign that they were in agreement with the work and everything that had been done to them.
And the fact is that just this day, the entrails of the work reveal what many of the avenue had to be opened because they had to connect the drainage pipe, through which the “popochas, pipichas” and other fluids and liquids that will be generated in the more than 2 thousand houses in the first stage and another 2 thousand for the second (4 thousand in total) that was authorized by the government of the Villarreal brothers (PAN).
This is another investment with the people’s money “disguised” as a “good work” that the neighbors are already beginning to suffer from the lack of water in their homes, and the more than 4 thousand new families that will arrive at the back of their houses have not yet arrived.
Neighbors from Valle del Maíz, Guadiana and Calle de Las Moras joined together and took protection for this work, but those sent by the government “convinced” the neighbors of Calle 5 de Mayo and Principal La Luz that “it would be the best thing to do”.
They were then told that the work would be done in stages so as not to affect mobility and it has now been 4 months since they started.
The Jardines de Allende drainage work, which was “disguised” as rehabilitation, they were told that it would be accompanied by the renovation of sidewalks and garrisons, pedestrian bumpers and even a change of sanitary drainage lines, which they were never told would be the same to pass the 4,000 new families.
They were told that the drinking water pipes would be changed, but they were never told that they would be left without water for days on end.
Today they have new lights… but no water.
Today they have a new sidewalk… and several less trees after the construction work caused them to fall.
Their cobblestone, which allowed the earth to absorb water, cannot be paved today because the earth and trees have been replaced by concrete.
Professor Arturo Ramirez and Mrs. Guadalupe Palacios, spoke for everyone and agreed saying:
“Thanks to the president for the parish so nice, to do these works is not so easy and only you have done it; let’s support this group of people because there are many people who would like these works”.
Now the neighbors of Infonavit La Luz, Residencial La Luz and the subdivisions Arboledas, Insurgentes, Izquinapan, Los Santos and Jardines, will have to share their street for the passage of the “popochas” but also their water.
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