The bureaucracy that follows a foreigner’s death in Mexico [] INMTEC Legal Services

News Category: News, Community News, General Discussion, and Legal Forum

  • Published February 23rd, 2022

    John and Jane from Boston.

    Hi Angel, thank you for doing this for the community, you are so appreciated! Our question is: We have seen many services offered posthumously to take care of the possible litigation and the bureaucracy that follows a foreigner’s death in Mexico, they seem to be all over the place in pricing, and each advocacy group handles one piece of the puzzle but none of them apparently handle the circumstance from “soup to nuts” if you will. What do you recommend?


    Hello John and Jane, you are absolutely correct there is a laundry list of things that need to be seen after a member of the guest community passes. Starting with Funeral services, medical certificates of death, state-issued death certificates, notification of the embassy of the country of origin of the deceased before we even get into the notifications of next of kin, and all of the ensuing situations such as distribution of real properties, liquid assets, personal possessions, debt liquidation, and probate.

    There does exist a “one-stop-shop” policy available here in San Miguel Allende that attends to all of this as well as the interface with the family left behind to ensure the smooth transition and a peaceful process for the inheritors that encompasses and bridges the language barrier as well as contemplates the legal and the fiscal ramifications for all.

    This policy also covers the creation and inclusion of primary emergency contact if anything happens to you while anywhere in the Mexican Federation as well as the creation of the numerous documents retrofit to assimilate under Mexican law; such as The Advance Medical Directive, the Last Will and Testament, Durable Power of Attorney, and the DNR.

    The program is called AfterLife tm. Please contact me directly for more information.

    Deborah Boca Raton, FL.

    Hi Angel, my husband and I do not have children and have been long-time residents here in SMA, my question is, I see that you list Legacy Bequeathments in your services for Estate Planning, what does that exactly mean?


    Hello Deborah, there are a number of Non-Profit Organizations that operate here in San Miguel and throughout Mexico. Essentially a Legacy Bequeathment is that you and your husband would choose one or more NPOs, NGO,s or Civil Associations that you wished to leave either a portion or all of your assets to.

    SMA is blessed to have the highest per capita amount of organizations helping in numerous arenas of need in this community, ranging from water solutions, feeding the hungry, literacy and language, to housing and religion. I personally support and can recommend The Biblioteca SMA Legacy Program,   Feed the Hungry –, and Caminos de Agua – to name a few.

    Thank you all for your questions this week, for more specific information on AFTERLIFE tm, Wills, Advance Directives Estate Planning, Asset Protection, and all Notarial Services please contact the author:

    Angel Marin Díaz at  415-121-9005