How to Get the best health care in San Miguel de Allende

News Category: News and Health/Fitness

  • Published April 21, 2023

    There have been frequent postings to the civil list  reflecting frustrations interacting with the local private health care system particularly “receiving overpriced and more worrisome, possibly an unwarranted intervention.”  One posting by as an experienced hospital administrator chiding herself for not questioning the physician about price or even his rationale for an urgent overpriced intervention. If this person who describes herself as an experienced hospital administrator has trouble advocating for herself, you can imagine how difficult it might be for the average “civilian” to negotiate a similar situation! Here are some ground rules to consider well in advance of seeking any type of health services anywhere.

    Ask those you trust for a physician they trust. 

    Prepare for your appointment by making notes about your problem. When did it start? Have you had care in the past? If you have medical records from past treatment review them and bring them along. Have you ever had treatment related to your current complaint? Are you taking any medications for this or any other reason?

    Consider taking a friend, family member or patient advocate with you to an appointment to serve as note taker during the appointment. 

    When the physician offers a diagnosis make sure you understand her rational. When medications are prescribed ask what each medication is for and ask about common side effects.  If medications are particularly expensive or combine more than one drug question the physician about cheaper non-combination formulations.

    If diagnostic tests are ordered, especially if they carry any risk of complications or are associated with a high rate of error ….make sure you know what they are for and why they are needed and how much they cost.  

    Finally, after you leave your appointment, it is a good idea to compare what you heard and understood with whoever accompanied you. Keep those notes on hand and accessible. They may be the only records of your care.

    For those of you who are new to SMA or perhaps in need of a referral for an urgent problem for the first time, consider enlisting the help of Be Well San Miguel Patient Advocacy dot com. We make it our business to help you coordinate your care including assistance with  scheduling appointments providing referrals to the best specialists here and in the surrounding area.  For more information contact Deborah at Be Well San Miguel dot com. WhatsApp 415 115 7815

    Taking care of your health care needs in Mexico

    Be Well San Miguel | Patient Advocacy in San Miguel de Allende | For all your health needs, serving expats in SMA, Mexico

    Just a reminder that Be Well San Miguel Patient Advocacy Services is back in action with new staff and expanded capacities to meet the growing needs of our clients. As  Advocates we have varying skills that can help improve your health and improve the quality of day to day life. We can and do:

    ·      Create and manage  professional teams for your home care

    ·      Identify appropriate care providers and assist you in setting appointments

    ·      Help you proactively manage your medical and health needs

    ·      Accompany you to office visits and procedures

    ·      Create, organize and translate your medical records

    ·      Help you prepare for future health emergencies

    ·      Provide education concerning your medication and wellness plans

    ·      Assist in creating your advance directives and other end of life decisions

    ·      Manage end of life care as directed by yourself, your family or loved ones.

    ·      Help with insurance claims

    ·      Assistance with daily tasks such as finding a good driver, banking,  getting up to speed on using that new cell phone or computer

    ·      Managing household staff

    ·      Assistance with online tasks such as money transfers and general banking both here and in the US

    ·      Make recommendations for  non medical professionals to meet your particular needs from identifying qualified Visa immigration professionals, attorneys or simply a reliable driver for both local service to long trips out of San Miguel.

    Should you be hospitalized in Mexico we are able to:

    Remain at your bedside and communicate on your behalf with medical staff during hospitalization

    Coordinate and assist with post hospitalization and home care

    Oversee the accuracy and fairness of hospital and insurance billing

    Deborah Bickel PA MPH

    Mobile : +52 1 (415) 115-7815 Skype : BewellSanMiguel