Dental crisis and no social security? This is of interest to you

News Category: News, Community News, General Discussion, and Health/Fitness

  • Published February 8th, 2022

    In the state of Guanajuato, there are people who are not affiliated to any social security and do not have enough money to pay for dental consultations in private clinics.

    And to this situation we add the current lifestyles such as diets with excess sugar, tobacco, and alcohol consumption, resulting in serious oral diseases that are now considered a public health problem worldwide.

    That is why the Secretary of Health has developed different strategies for dental care such as:

    • Attention to preschool and school children
    • Application of a basic prevention scheme for people living with chronic diseases.
    • Attention to pregnant women and the elderly

    These actions seek to preserve the oral health of the population of Guanajuato.

    Main dental diseases and their numbers:

    • 7 out of 10 children and adolescents have dental caries.
    • Children and adolescents have an average of 5 teeth affected by dental caries.
    • 88% have not received treatment.
    • 6 out of 10 adults have periodontal disease.
    • 4 out of 10 older adults do not have a functional mouth (allowing them to speak and eat properly).
    • Only 4 out of 10 patients attending health services have optimal oral health (no dental caries, periodontal disease, or edentulism (missing teeth).

    If I need dental care and I don’t have insurance, where can I go?
    The Ministry of Health of Guanajuato has 320 dentists in 257 medical units at the service of the population that does not have any type of social security.

    All of them offer their services in the three shifts, distributed in 46 municipalities of the State according to the operative regionalization in force.

    We share with you the directory of the current medical units in all the municipalities of Guanajuato, you can go to the one closest to your home and there they will inform you about what you need to know and do for dental care.