Crossfit gym opens at the Comude; police and traffic officers will be brought in to help them get in shape

News Category: News, Community News, and Health/Fitness

  • Published July 13th, 2022

    The exercises practiced by the “Señores Justicia”, firemen and soldiers, can now be practiced by you from the Comude module AND FOR FREE…! for those who are disciplined and constant.

    The place that until a few months ago had only three bicycles, three sets of weights, three ropes, and a ring, now has more equipment for police officers, you and anyone who likes to practice with weights and ropes, go to exercise in one place.

    Through a bulletin, the Municipality of San Miguel de Allende shares that after months of announcing it, this gym that it says will help you gain strength and physical conditioning with weight load, repetition of movements, and high-intensity exercises, is now open to the public.

    He says they expect to receive more than 300 athletes daily!

    They share that “Cuca” Gonzalez, who is the director of the Comude, that “this sport is currently very attractive among young people who want to start a sports activity” and that to put it they invested $900 thousand pesos so that, in addition “it will be free for disciplined and constant athletes”.

    So now you know, in this gym equipped for Crossfit they will also bring the “Señores Justicia”, Transit, and Civil Protection to train in a special schedule that does not interfere with the attendance of the Sanmiguelenses in general.

    What are the schedules?

    Open to the public from 7:00 am to 10:00 am and then from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
    For the “Señores Justicia” (police officers) there will be 2 hours in between; all under the instruction of a certified professional trainer.