What January is all aboutHAT JANUARY IS ALL ABOUT
News Category: News and General Discussion
Published January 21, 2023Ah, January, the first month of the year, and the coldest in the Northern Hemisphere! Those of us who hail from the northern regions of North America can certainly identify with the image of a bleak, snow-swamped landscape. Fortunately in San Miguel de Allende, January is nothing close to that, although it is the coldest month even here. We feel the chill when the sun goes down, but in the middle of the day we can usually get by with short sleeves. That, for someone from the Midwest, is darn good!Si disfrutas de una buena lectura, no dejes de checar el sitio web para leer más entradas del blog.If you enjoy a good quality read, make sure to check out the web site to read more entries
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