The Fabulous, Fantastic Full Moon

News Category: News and General Discussion

  • by Natalie Taylor

    The moon is our closest celestial neighbor and travel companion, circling around us, as we circle the sun in a giant loop. It always presents one side to us, the other forever hidden—the dark side of the moon. As the earth moves around the sun, the part that is fully illuminated is the side we call daylight, the opposite side is in darkness—nighttime. It is the nighttime side of earth where the moon is best visible because the rays of the sun strike upon it and make it brilliantly visible to us. But the moon’s visibility changes as it progresses through its orbit, because the amount of illumination on it from the sun’s rays is affected by our position before it. The amount of shadow we cast on the moon, affects how much of it we see—from a tiny sliver, to a brilliant ball when it’s fully illuminated by the sun, with us out of the way.

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