Summer is here and the world’s on fire

News Category: News and General Discussion

  • Published June 25, 2023

    This week we saw the summer solstice: the longest day of the year.

    It was a long day, literally, because the sun was out for the greatest number of minutes this year, and it was a long day figuratively, because we’re all trying to get too much stuff done while also melting in our seats.

    I don’t know about the rest of you, but the strong peso means lots more working hours for me, as the value of my earnings continues to decrease. The heat may make me want to sleep, but the economy has me running that hamster wheel harder and harder.

    Usually, I take some time on the solstice to do some kind of “witchy stuff,” as my sister and I call it. But yesterday, my tarot deck remained on the shelf, untouched. No candles were lit, because why light candles when it’s so hot already? I didn’t even go out to pick flowers or herbs for a nice table centerpiece.

    I mean, how do you celebrate the sun when the sun is actively trying to kill you?

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